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Private chat

Ethan: baby ❤️
Your birthday is coming up 🎉
And I have a big surprise for you so the only information I can give you is that you gotta dress nice 💞😂

Oh wow
I did not expect that but ok
It's December 💎 dressing up nice has its limits haha
But I'll see what I can find in my closet
And you know that you don't have to do all this
I'd be very happy if we just stayed at home and spend the day together 💞

Ethan: I know that but you are special
I love you and I want you to have the best birthday ever ❤️

Thank you bby❤️
And I love you too
Btw you're lucky that Christmas is coming too
So I can get you something too 😂❤️❤️

Ethan: well Christmas is different
And don't think I won't give you something as well 😒
Because I most certainly will ✔️


Group chat

Ethan: hey guys
You probably know what this is all about but I just wanted to remind you again that Madelyn's birthday is coming up
I want to surprise her and want to invite all of you to come over that day
Madelyn's place of course because I kind of did something ....

Well I think we're all coming but what exactly did you do???

I want to know that too btw 🤔
I feel like it's gonna be something massive but also romantic

Ethan: well you're right
I kind of bought a whole shop full of flowers and they're gonna be delivered at her place on her birthday
I want to fill her place with all the flowers and then surprise her so I need a distraction
Can one of you maybe take her somewhere in the early morning of her birthday so I can arrange all the flowers ???

Omg 🤯
I did not expect this
This is sooooo romantic 💞💞💞

This is mad
And I could distract her
There's a new song coming out so I can take her to my studio and play her the song as a birthday present because no one else has heard it before
And when you're ready just text me and we'll come back ✔️

Ethan: oh yesss
Thank you Jj 🙏💎

Madelyn's birthday
Private chat

Jj: where's my birthday girl 💞🎉
Happy birthday !!!
I have a present for you but you gotta come with me I'm already in front of your place...

Omg thank youuuu 😫💞💞
Wait really? You're here?
Ok wait a second I'm just gonna grab my bag and I'm coming 🤩

Jj: hurry up !!!!!

Yess relax
I thought it's my birthday ?! You can't be mad at me haha

Private chat

Yo fam
Coast is clear 🤫
You can go inside and do your thing

Ethan: thanks mate 🙏 appreciate it

Yeah yeah
Just text me when you're done so I can drive her back home 💪🏻

Madly in love - Behzinga (Instagram)Where stories live. Discover now