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Private chat

Ughhh it's finally October
No birthdays this month haha 🙏😂😂

Ariana: yeah tell me about it🧐

Leslie: now we can hang out more often 🔥🔥
No more distractions 🤔

Absolutely ❤️❤️
Oh and I already reserved Halloween for us 🧡
So don't you dare have other plans

Ariana: oh we are ready for that ✔️
It's our time of the year 😏

Leslie: yessss
Of course we're not gonna make other plans 🤦🏼
Who do you think we are missss

Just checking 🤷🏼
Love you 😂❤️

Ariana: love you tooo

Leslie: ❤️❤️

Group chat

Simon: boysss
Our 7 years anniversary is coming up next week 🥳🥳
Do we have any plans ???

Jj: omg yess fam
I forgot about that
7 years that's crazy 🔥🔥

Tobi: yes ✔️
Man I'm so thankful 🙏

Josh: same here
And no we haven't planned anything yet
We have to 😡

Well we literally need to plan 2 things
First the sidemen Sunday for our anniversary
It's gotta be a special something....🧐
And then our private special event😂 whatever that might be

Harry: oh heavens above 🤦🏼
Can't we just not post that week🤷🏼

Vik: we have to...
but we can just make an edit with all of our special moments
10 minutes each person -> for example 10 minutes of my best,dumb,funniest,rage moments and then another person and so on
And then the last 10 minutes best moments of all of us as a group like a perfect ending
In the end we have an 80 minute video 💪🏻
So what do you say????

Simon: it's a good idea but who's gonna do all the work ??? 🤔

Josh: I'd say everyone searches for their own clips and edits it
Makes a perfect 10 minute vid and then one of us only has to put all these vids together and add the group best Moments in the end which we can all find together ????

Yeah that's actually a good idea ✔️

Tobi: agree
So let's finish out parts till the end of this week and then meet up to look for the group clip

Harry: okay
Who's volunteering to put all of it together in the end??

Jj: I'd say Simon
Cause he has some mad editing skills 👏🏻💪🏻

Vik: for once I think Jj is right 😏

Simon: yeah ok
I'll do it 📸

Josh: perfect then we settled this
Now just our private party is still in progress

I'd say let's just invite close friends like Randolph, callum 1&2 😂, kon....

Harry: yeah probably the best option
And then party at my place ??? Rooftop 🥳

Tobi: yessss
Gotta see that hot tub you're talking about all this time💙

Jj: it's gonna be littttt 🔥✔️💪🏻


199,562 likesMadswalsh - ready for you October 🧡

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Madswalsh - ready for you October 🧡


Behzingagram - 👑❤️
Ariana.by - marry meeeee 💗😂
Leslie - hottie 🔥❤️
Mads.Stan - wow🥺
Ksi - 📸🖤


241,009 likesTaliamar - ya girl did something

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Taliamar - ya girl did something ...📸🔥


Freyz - get it girl 🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️
Miniminter - holy ❤️
Talia.fan - OMG 😫😫
Madswalsh - you fit right in the model business ✔️


Private chat

Ethan: hey babe
What are you doing tomorrow ??🥺

Nothing haha
I have plenty of time for you 😏❤️

Ethan: thank god 🙏
Let's do something ...
whatever you want ❤️

How about we go to a bar that has a pool table ?
Somehow I really want to play pool 🤷🏼🎱

Ethan: uhhh I like that ✔️
But just be aware I'm gonna beat you 😏

You wish 😂
I used to play every day with my dad 👏🏻
I'm undefeated boy

Ethan: well that's because you haven't played against me yet 🧐
So you just wait and see
I'm gonna blow your mind with how great I am 🤸🏾

Well we'll see about that mister 🤔
Love you ❤️

Ethan: love you too baby 🥺❤️
Btw what are you doing the next Saturday ???
It's the 7 year anniversary of the sidemen and we wanna have a little party at Harry's

I don't think that I have any plans 👀

Ethan: perfect 🔥
So it's settled you're coming
I'll pick you up haha

Wow that was arranged fast 🧐😂😂😂
See you tomorrow then

Ethan: ❤️

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