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Group chat

Vik: hey
So Christmas is coming up 💎
Do we wanna spend it together and have like a little Christmas party?

Jj: I'm in bruv

Yeah same but with our girls 😏

Simon: I was thinking the same but I thought we'd do that no matter what and we could also call the other guys like Lux and Cal ....

Tobi: but also with presents 🥳
Nothing fancy you know just an appreciation present ✔️

Josh: well obviously ...
Christmas without presents is not Christmas 🤔

Harry: I'm offering my place again
There's just so many good options for a party so....
What are you sayin boys ???

Vik: thank you for that 🙏🔥

Simon: it's gonna be amazing 💪🏻💪🏻

Private chat

Ethan: heyyy❤️
So the boys and I came to the conclusion that we'll celebrate Christmas all together
Including you and the other girls 🔥
It's again gonna be at Harry's

Uhhhh ok 🌺
Gonna be a real family Christmas
With presents ??

Ethan: yesss
Like josh said Christmas without presents isn't Christmas 😏💎

He's definitely right
See you then I guess ❤️

Ethan: yes 💪🏻❤️


692,717 likes Behzingagram - when she buys you a PS 🥳❤️❤️❤️@madswalsh

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Behzingagram - when she buys you a PS 🥳❤️❤️❤️


Ksi - jeez ✔️👏🏻
Madswalsh - ❤️❤️ you're welcome
Sidemen.fp - holyyy 🤩
Mads.fan - marry her 🔥


219,838 likes Madswalsh - Merry Christmas ❤️🎉@behzingagram

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Madswalsh - Merry Christmas ❤️🎉@behzingagram


Behzingagram - 🔐🎉
Ariana.by - cuties 💞
Leslieee - goals ♾


2 years later


382,716 likes Madswalsh - I SAID YESSS ❤️❤️♾ @behzingagramI am in shock 🤯 I can't believe I'm a fiancé now and about to be Ethan's wife ❤️

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Madswalsh - I SAID YESSS ❤️❤️♾ @behzingagram
I am in shock 🤯 I can't believe I'm a fiancé now and about to be Ethan's wife ❤️

(author's note:Btw I know it's not on the right finger but just imagine it is)


Behzingagram - you made me the happiest man alive ❤️
Miniminter - it's about damn time...
Ariana.by - congratulations ❤️😫🎉🎉🎉
Leslieee - omg congrats 👏🏻❤️❤️


683,719 likes Behzingagram - SHE SAID FUCKING YESSS 🤩❤️❤️❤️ I'm crying right now

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Behzingagram - SHE SAID FUCKING YESSS 🤩❤️❤️❤️ I'm crying right now.... I am the happiest man alive 🤯 and I can't believe she's gonna be my wife @madswalsh I love you so much words can't even describe


Madswalsh - I'm crying too baby 😫😫
Ksi - congrats my g ❤️👏🏻
Wroetoshaw - what a W 🔥❤️
Vikkstagram - jeez we were all waiting for it 🙏💎
Tobjizzle - congratulations bro 🙏❤️❤️


The end


Authors note: thank you all for reading my story 😫
I hope you liked it 🤔
I thought this was a good way to end the story and it's up to your imagination on how the story continues ❤️
This was my very first story I've ever written so it wasn't that good I know but I hope that it was still enjoyable 🙏
I'll definitely be writing more stories
The next story is already in my head haha
All I can say is stay tuned it's gonna be another sidemen fan fiction but about another boy 😏
Bye bye 🔥

Madly in love - Behzinga (Instagram)Where stories live. Discover now