Gibb fallout

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Later that day Andy arrived home.

"I'm home honey" he announced hanging his coat up, oblivious to the fact his brothers where here turning a lovely tomato colour with anger

He cheerily skipped into the room holding shopping bags. As soon as his eyes set on his brothers his mouth dropped open, as did the bags.

"What?" Was all he managed to choke out

"Ros called us. You can't treat her like that" Maurice came to my defence

"Sorry. I didn't realise she didn't like it" Andy tried to defend

"I told you many times. I had so many bad panic attacks you knew about but you just carried on" I shouted gripping tighter onto Maurices arm for support

Andy looked between his brothers trying to find some help.

"Andy I think you should leave" Barry said

"I'm not going anywhere. This is my home and she" he pointed to me "Invaded"

"But I love her and will do anything to protect her" Maurice defended

"She has a fiancé" Andy added

I felt so tempted to punch him. Andys hands balled into fists and before I could punch him he went for me. I blocked his punch as Maurice grabbed hold of him. Barry stepped in front of me for protection. I watched Andy lash out at Maurice. He punched him strait across the jaw which knocked him to the ground. He kept kicking Maurice in the chest and stomach. Both me and Robin ran forward to help Maurice. I grabbed Andy and threw him away from Maurice. I dropped down by his side and took him in my arms.

"Mo you okay?" I asked

"Everything hurts" Maurice replied

I wrapped my arms underneath his and pulled him up. He was too weak to walk so I had to support him. As we passed Andy he was held hostage by Barry.

"I hate you Maurice Gibb" Andy shouted as I got Maurice up the stairs to my room

I laid him on the bed where he passed out in an instant. I put a wet cloth on his forehead and an ice pack on his now bare chest. I held another ice pack to his cheek which was now going red. I sat on the bed next to him, my eyes never leaving his perfect face. After hearing the front door slam shut I heard Barry and Robin rush up the stairs. They gently came into the room before closing the door.

"Is he okay?" Robin asked seeming extremely worried about his twin

"He passed out as soon as I laid him down" I replied my gaze finally leaving Maurice "But I'm sure he will be"

Robin sat down on the bed the other side of Maurice as Barry sat at his feet. Every few minutes Barry would rub Maurices feet as Robin forced himself not to fall asleep. Maurices eyes slowly began fluttering open as he looked to me.

"Is he gone?" Maurice asked his voice seeming weak and shaky

"Yes, there's nothing to worry about" I replied speaking softly while Maurice took hold of the ice pack I was holding

My hand moved to his hair, stroking it every so often.

"How are you feeling Mo?" Robin asked

"Okay" Maurice replied "Safe now Andrews gone"

"Barry can you go get some chocolate and honey tea please?" I asked

"Sure" Barry replied carefully leaving the room

"You don't have to look after me" Maurice said turning towards me

"Yes I do" I protested "I love you that's why"

Barry soon returned with what I asked for. Me and Robin helped Maurice sit up before passing him the food and tea. It was a collection of chocolates that Barry brought up, not know what Maurice needed. I handed Maurice a twix bar which he gobbled down. He took one sip of the honey tea and I knew instantly he didn't like it.

"Try drinking it. I don't like it either" I said

"It's too sweet" Maurice protested

"I know" I agreed stroking his hair

He managed to drink it, after almost throwing up many times. Barry then took all the things back downstairs as me and Robin left Maurice to rest. We went to make some lunch for ourselves now. In the kitchen both Barry and Robin didn't seem like their usual selves.

"You two okay?" I asked

"We just came believe Andy would do something like that. Sexually harass someone and then beat up Maurice. This isn't him" Barry replied

"Someone or something changed him" Robin added while making some pasta

Something? Could he be on drugs or something? Someone? Was he taking a liking to me? Did Andy actually love me or was he trying to make Maurice jealous? I couldn't think about it whatever it was. It was in the past and now I had the boys helping me. I felt a single tear drop down my cheek. I rushed into the toilet while wiping it away. I locked the door and sat on the toilet seat and cried. The memories of the past month kept coming back. Everyday it would happen. I couldn't be alone and now the guys were back I didn't want to be alone. I was too afraid he would appear to do more damage. He didn't damage me physically, just mentally. It scared me, and seeing Andy beat up Maurice broke my heart. I hated seeing Maurice hurt, I want to be the one to take the damage, not him. But doesn't everyone say that about the person they love?

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