Run to me

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A few days after the concert I got a call from Linda.

"Hey" I said a smile approaching my face

"Hey, I had the child, they are so small and
premature. I've called her Rose Grey. She can't leave the hospital for a few weeks but we did tests and it's definitely Maurices" Linda explained

"Congratulations" I said trying to sound excited

After hanging up I collapsed down against the hotel room wall in a flood of tears. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor crying. Then Robin walked in, rushing over at the sight of me.

"What happened?" Robin asked pulling me into a hug

"Linda had a child. At first she thought it was Barry's and just refused tell him. She had it premature and it turned out its Maurices" I sobbed

"It's okay, we don't have to tell Maurice" Robin replied pulling me up

He sat me on the bed and looked me strait in the eyes.

"Just worry about these children" Robin said placing his hand on my small bump

Then Andy walked in.

"Did anyone else get a call from Linda?" Andy asked

"Yes, and I told Rob. We can't tell Mo though" I replied

"Or Barry" Andy added

I got up and went and hugged Andy. Andy gently placed his hands on my back before I pulled away.

"Maurice told me to meet him in the lobby, I'll see ya later" I said before leaving the room

When I got there Maurice was sat waiting. He jumped up at the sight of me, coming over to hug me. He pulled me from the hotel and down the road. We didn't say anything to each other as he pulled me down to a park. When we got there Maurice sat me down on a tree stump.

"Close your eyes and don't move. Just hold your arms out flat" Maurice said

I did as he told me while he wandered off. Soon he returned and I felt him place something in my arms.

"Open your eyes" he told me

When I opened my eyes Maurice was stood behind me by the park cafe doing something. I looked to what was in my arms. It was something wrapped in wrapping paper shaped like a guitar case.

"Mo you didn't have to" I said placing it down so I could tear off the paper

"To make it up to you" Maurice replied coming round to face me

I tore off the paper to reveal a hard black case. I laid it in the ground before undoing the clasps. Then I opened it. It was a black Rickenbacker 325 Capri. But it looked awfully familiar.

"Is it?" I asked noticing it wasn't brand new

"Yes. John Lennon sold his original guitar" Maurice replied

I gently took it out it the box. It felt so fragile under my hands, probably because it's been through Beatlemania. Some of the paint was beginning to flake off but I didn't care, In fact I preferred it. It already had a guitar strap on so I placed it round me. It was heavy on my shoulder but a perfect size. I could easily get my hands round it. Maurice produced a pick from his pocket before handing it to me. I tuned it a little before Maurice plugged a lead into it. I turned to see an amp plugged into the cafe electricity supply. I turned the volume on and played on single strum on the guitar. Maurice altered a few things before I placed the Let It Be guitar solo. Then I began playing Shadow Dancing. Before either of us could start singing someone else did.

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