Chapter 1

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"And you have all your books ordered right?"

"Of course mom. They should get here tomorrow, with plenty of time before class begins." Jennie pushed the door to her new dorm room open with her elbow, her hands full with a box of her things.

"Okay, okay. I'm just a little nervous you know? My only baby, going off to college." Dara followed behind Jennie, carrying a small backpack on her shoulder that she let slide off and rest on the desk.

"It'll be fine. I have a whole weekend to get settled in and meet my roommate. " Jennie gestured to the other side of the room that was still bare, indicating that her roommate had yet to arrive.

"I can stay for a bit longer, want some help unpacking?"

Jennie looked up from the clothes she had been pulling out of her suitcase and smiled. "Yeah mom, that'd be great."

The two spent the greater part of the next hour laughing and talking as they slowly got Jennie settled in. Clothes were folded and hung away in the small closet that was provided, and Jennie took extra care to make sure she organized her school supplies just right.

The sun was beginning to set as the two were finishing up.

"I guess it's time for me to leave you all alone. In your lonely dorm room, with no one to keep you company..."

"Mom, I'm going to be fine. Stop worrying so much."

Dara grinned as she pulled her daughter in for a tight hug. "Alright then. Text me when you find out Jisoo okay? I want to hear all about her summer with her brother."

"Of course, I'll let her know you say hi."

"That's my girl."

Dara gathered up her purse and took one last look around the room before giving Jennie a quick hug and leaving. Jennie leaned against the doorway as she watched her mom disappear down the hall before sighing and turning back into her room, shutting the door behind her. The room was empty, but she still could hear other people through the walls, laughing loudly and hitting the walls as they got moved in.

Jennie settled into her desk chair and pulled out her phone, shooting a quick text to Jisoo, asking when she got back in. She had a few snapchats from Mino and Bobby too. They had managed to get a room together and had bombarded Jennie with snaps of their room setup. Grinning Jennie sent one back of her own room.

Spinning around a little in her chair Jennie surveyed the room. The two sides were the same, a small twin bed with a little bedside table, two desks and chairs, a shelf or two on the wall for each side, and the little doors that led to their closets. A small window was opposite the door, between the two beds.

It was about the same size as Jennie's bedroom back in her mom's apartment, but with two people it would certainly feel more crowded. Jennie turned back to her desk and focused on rearranging her pictures. There were a few of her and her friends. One with Jisoo smiled widely at the camera with her arm looped around Jennie's neck at a concert, their eyes wide in the lights that had been spinning around the concert hall.

In another, Bobby and Mino were suspended in their frame mid-air as they leaped from the top of a waterfall back during their summer trip, Jennie grinning happily from the top as she watched them fall. In the next Hanbin, who Jennie hadn't spoken too in far too long, laughed as Jennie did her best to give him a piggyback ride. Her favorite featured Dara, facing the camera with a sly grin on her face as Jennie bent over laughing next to her, a hand covering her face. All the photos were in action, nothing posed, the kind Jennie liked best.

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