"May I Have Your Number?"

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"Mama, where did you and Daddy meet?" Susan asked, looking up into her Mother's affectionate face.

"It's a very long time ago my, dear. I was just a young girl about, 16-years-old. But, I can remember it as if it was yesterday."

Looking off into the distance, the woman recalled that fateful day back in 1976.

The aroma of warm donuts and fresh coffee filled Lucien André's nostrils. A sigh of delight escaped her full rose lips.

"May I help you, Miss?" the curly-haired cashier asked. A cheerful smile spread across his lips.

"Oui, thank you!"

"What would you like to order?"

Lucien's large, grey eyes searched the menu.

"What would you recommend?" she asked, turning to face the boy again.

"Hmm... well, the Vanilla Cream Cold Brew is my favorite."

"Okay! I'll have that and an Apple Fritter," she answered, enthusiastically. Her hands nervously playing with the thick, russet braid that fell over her shoulder.

"Nice choice! That'll be $4.05. Umm, I was wondering if I could have your telephone number?"

The boy's sparkling caramel eyes anxiously searched the young girl's fair face.

A toothy grin broke out on Lucien's face.

"Of course! Do you have a paper I could write it on?"

"Oh yeah! Here," he handed her a small scrap paper.

"My name is Lucien André," she announced, offering her hand to the boy.

Eagerly he grasped her hand. "Caleb. Caleb Darin," he responded. "My break is in a couple of minutes. Do you mind if I join you?"

"Well, Caleb Darin, I would love that! I'll sit by the window in the corner over there," she explained, pointing to a table by the corner.

"I'll ask my manager if I can have my break earlier."

Lucien picked up her order and headed for the table. She had just arrived from France to visit her Granny. Everything was so much different from Paris, even the people. Know one in France was as friendly as Caleb.

"I'm in shock right now!" Caleb announced, dramatically falling into the chair across from Lucien.

"Why?" she asked, laughing at the dramatic tone the boy took on.

"My manager actually let me take a break ten minutes early. She normally says no and then delays my break."

"She must be in a good mood today."

"Well, actually, I had to bribe her with twenty dollars, but we won't think about that," he said, chuckling.

"You bribed her?!" Lucien asked, bursting into a fit of laughter. 'This boy is something else,' she thought.

"Hey, you can't blame a guy for wanting to have coffee with a pretty girl."

"Would you like a piece of my donut?" she asked, trying to distract him from the deep blush that crept into her face.

"Sure, thanks."

"I miss you, Caleb," Lucien whispered, looking up at the sky.

"Mama, do you think Daddy remembers us?" the little girl asked.

"Of course, your Father is protecting us with the angels. Come, let's go have a donut." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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