✧. ┊ Silence

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TW: none

Wilbur POV

They all stared at me in disbelief. "Listen, this is the only possible way we could ever be our own country and be a separate part of the DreamSMP! You guys have to understand!" I beamed.

"I don't know Wil, this seems a little extreme..." Fundy mumbled. "A little!? You're kidding right!? This is so extreme! We could never beat Dream and his team, even if we had more people than them!" Y/n shouted. I felt a little overwhelmed by that- she never normally shouts much, and at me too!?

"Y/n, calm down, this is the only way and we're going through with it. I'm the leader here. Not you." I blatantly explained. She paused and glared at me hard. Whoops-


I was furious. He not only had the audacity to tell me to calm down, but he also called himself the leader! Last time I checked, leaders required a team and their opinions. Not just their own. I just sat and glared at him and then facing my head down towards the floor. I fidgeted with my fingers in annoyance.

"Hey y/n? Want a carrot?" I turned to my right to see Tommy holding out a carrot for me to take. (I really hope you get the reference) I giggled at his request and accepted it. I ate the carrot silently and then decided it might be best for me to take a walk around L'Manburg.

Or so that's what they thought...

I was excused from the meeting, knowing that my opinion didn't matter in the conversation anymore. I stumbled out the caravan door and headed to an area of the wall that had been broken a little. I had already grabbed a sword to take with me and some extra food.

I looked around, making sure there was no one watching me escaping L'Manburg. Luckily, it was clear so I jumped up the few hay bales that had been stacked at the base and climbed over the wall, using most of my strength to lift me over.

I hit the ground with a thud but quickly returned to my feet. The forest was beautiful at night, the moonlight reflecting the small raindrops on leaves in the trees and on the tall grass. There was already a carved passage through the forest, which was here before I arrived in L'Manburg, presuming other people had used it before the wall was built.

I crept through the woods quietly, in case someone was listening to me. I walked slowly, taking the peace of Mother Nature.

Silence, finally.

I arrived at a small river, which I would normally visit when I went on my little adventures. It was beautiful. I sat down against a tree and laid my sword down next to me, along with my bag containing essential items like bandages, plasters and food.

I reached in my bag and grabbed out some bread that I had stuffed into there. It was freshly baked, so I knew it was going to be good.

I took in my surroundings, and decided to push back (ponytail, headband, hair clip, etc) my h/l h/c hair and go stand next to the stream. I also decided to take of my L'Manburg jacket- I felt so much lighter without it on. I was wearing black clothes underneath because it would make it easier to sneak out of L'Manburg.

As I was enjoying my own presence (I know we all do, I mean come on, you're reading fan-fiction rn) I heard a twig snap over to my left. I instantly turned to see what caused that noise and was met by an unknown presence.


Word count: 631

A little longer chapter this time. I hope you enjoyed it :)

Also, someone make a froggy cake with me pls omg

Also, someone make a froggy cake with me pls omg

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