✧. ┊ New Faces

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From now on, the story isn't going to necessarily follow the DSMP storyline :))

Warnings: none

I saw Dream smirk at my remark. This soon turned into a small chuckle and then a laugh. "If you say so. You'll need to be trained more though." I smiled and scoffed. "Of course."

I noticed that Sapnap had walked over to us and sat down too. Eret had gone with Bad and George, probably helping them out. "Sapnap." I heard Dream call. "Y/n needs to be trained." Sapnap just liked confused as he looked between Dream and me. "Wait- why?" He asked. "Y/n is joining our side." Dream smiled.

I noticed Sapnap was drawn between two emotions, envy and confusion. He suddenly turned to face me. "Training begins tomorrow." He smirked, got up and walked away.

"You should probably sleep. You'll need it." Dream stated and also walked away, heading down a dark corridor. I sat for a few moments and smiled to myself. This was going to be fun.

Don't get me wrong, I love L'Manburg and it's people, but did they really love me? All Wilbur cared about now was the stupid independance. He had manipulated Tommy and Tubbo to join him, they were only kids. They didn't deserve this. I made a promise to myself, that I would only cause L'Manburg to fall, not the people.

I got up and made my way back to my room. It was still cold, but I didn't care anymore. I fell into a deep sleep.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" I was suddenly brought back to reality when I heard Bad scream in my face. "WHAT THE HELL BAD! I WAS SLEEPING!" I looked at him and he smiled widely. "What time is it?" He walked up to my window and opened my curtains. "By the looks of it, it's about 4am!" He smiled. I felt my eyes twitch but he just continued to laugh. "Why so early??" I questioned him.

"Y/n~ it's training day! Remember?" It suddenly hit me that it was. I had totally forgotten. "Oops- yeah it is." I chuckled to myself. He suddenly handed me some new clothes. They were made for fighting. He also passed me some fingerless gloves and a bandana, which I tied around my wrist. It would probably come in useful later. Bad soon left and headed towards the main room.

I changed, combed my hair and then continued out of my room. Breakfast was already laid out on the table and I noticed Dream and George were there too. Dream swiftly looked towards me "morning." And George just smiled at me, in which I returned "morning."

"Before you train, I have something to show you." Dream mumbled as he stuffed a piece of toast in his face, somehow still avoiding his face from showing. "Hm? What?" I questioned him. At this time, I saw Sapnap walk in and sit between me and Dream. "We're going on a quick detour to L'Manburg." Dream smiled sadistically.

We all got up and headed out of the castle. I still wasn't allowed a weapon, so I stayed stood next to Sapnap, with Dream leading the way. George had stayed behind to help Bad with some stuff. I noticed the wall was still standing, but it seemed higher.

We all climbed part of the wall, keeping low so no one would spot us. And that's when I noticed some new people? Wilbur had.. replaced me? Manipulated more people? I was angry.

I noticed a beautiful girl sat on a log near a fire outside of the hto van. Soon, she was joined by tall-ish man wearing 3D glasses. They began talking with each other until I saw Wilbur join them. They were talking about.. war??

I noticed Tommy and Tubbo join them and sit on the ground next to them. They were all laughing and joking around. "Hey Wilbur- about saving y/n? I promised I would!" Tommy spoke to Wilbur. "Not now Tommy- can't you see we have another war coming up? We have a lot to discuss!" He responded. I saw Tommy sink back down and Tubbo put his arm around his shoulder.

Dream turned to me and stared for a little. I knew he sensed my anger that they would rather discuss war than saving their friend, their family.

At least Tommy still cared, he was always like a younger brother to me. Always there when I needed him.

We all slipped down from the wall onto the ground and began walking back. This was it.

I was going to have to fight my friends.

~not edited~

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