✧. ┊  A New Home?

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TW: Swearing, Blood


"I expect Mellohi soon, and from now on, y/n, you will be considered part of the DreamSMP side." Dream stated, as he faced me, almost seeming emotionless. That's all that green bastard said before talking to George, Sapnap and Eret for a brief moment.

I was still next to Tommy, with his head on my leg and Wilbur was putting pressure on his wound. His eyes kept fluttering, as I kept telling him not to close them. "Come on, y/n."

I turned to look up to Dream, tears drowning my eyes. I didn't reply, but was met with a forceful shove from George, as he pulled me up from the ground. "NO! I'M NOT LEAVING TOMMY LIKE THIS!" I screamed back at him.

"Listen, he's the one that agreed to this fucking duel in the first place. This was apart of the deal and I'm sure you don't want to risk breaking it. If you want your so called 'family' to live, then you better follow the rules or else." He said sadistically.

He's a fucking psychopath. But, he was right. Tommy did agree to the terms. So I guess this was it.

I slowly gained my balance again, and walked back over to stand with Sapnap, who stared emotionally at me. Dream the pulled out a small pouch containing some illuminated pearls. Not many people had them because they were extremely hard to obtain. Either by killing an enderman or trading with pigmen. He handed one to Eret, one to Sapnap and took one for himself.

I noticed Eret threw his in a direction, that I didn't seem familiar with. Before he threw it however, he said to dream "Nice doing business." And they both shook hands. He soon left the scene. His body was surrounded with small violet particles as he teleported.

Eret overall confused me. Didn't he live with Dream and his friends? I plucked up enough courage to speak "Where's he going?" I asked quietly, but with anger in my voice. "His castle, I made him King of the DreamSMP Lands." Dream replied. So Eret betrayed us for some stupid title? I scoffed at his remark.

Dream had motioned for Sapnap to take me back to the DreamSMP, while he and George scouted the area and watched the L'Manburg members scurry around, trying to help Tommy.

"Hold on." Was the last thing I heard before Sapnap snaked his arm around my waist. I instinctively locked one of my arms around his shoulder. I had never teleported or used an enderpearl before, so I had no idea how painful they were to use, if they were even painful.

My sight was crowded with a purple mist and small orbs circled me. I closed my eyes and I felt nothing. Ayo was I dead or something? Nope, sadly not in this case. We both landed with a thud and that's when I noticed my face was buried in his arm. I heard him chuckle at this, finding my antics quite amusing.

I instantly pulled away and shoved him a little. I already knew my cheeks were probably glowing right now. I'll just blame it on the chill of the fresh air for now.

Tears still pricked my eyes a little, continuously thinking if Tommy was okay or not. Had they even realised I had left? And did they even care? I needed to block these thoughts out, or else I would be cursed with horrible nightmares.

Away from my thoughts, I finally got to see what the SMP looked like. So Dream wasn't actually homeless??

That was a surprise to me.

We arrived at a beautiful castle, the walls were sky high and vines wrapped the turrets. There were animals around the courtyard and I noticed a small horse stable. There were a few horses there, peacefully eating hay.

(They're in Dreams castle. I don't even know if he has one or not, but for this books sake, he does)

As we walked into the castle, I noticed a throne in the centre of the room and a massive chandelier hung above on the ceiling. Small illustrations were painted up there, which I noticed there to be a figure like Dream, yet with a massive XD on his mask. Hm, idk what that is.

I noticed 2 hallways, one to left and the other to the right. On the right, there was a massive room, which I expected to be the dining room or great hall. Damn, this was impressive.

Dream and George walked in after us and Dream directed Sapnap to take me to a room. I was lead up some stairs and into a small room. It seemed to be decorated nicely, with a silk, red double bed, draping curtains, spruce furniture and an extended room. I presumed this was a bathroom.

Before I settled in, Sapnap reminded me of the rules again and gave me a sweet smile. I returned it.

Before he closed the door, I overheard Dream and George laughing and talking about how poor L'Manburg were.

"Their luck is horrible and their fighting skills are poor." Dream stated "And they thought they fought well?!" George added on. They both laughed. I looked at Sapnap with sad eyes and a tear fell down my face.

He brought his hand up to my face and wiped the tear away, before swiftly pulling his hand away. I blushed slightly at this, yet my tears didn't stop.

"First the war, and then the betrayal. Followed by the TNT trap and then the duel, the which I completely thrashed Tommy at!" Dream laughed, followed by George and a new voice, which I presumed was Punz.

"TNT trap?" I whispered and looked up at Sapnap, but he quickly turned away. My eyebrows were furrowed. When I visited L'Manburg, I never saw anything blown up. Maybe because...

They didn't even show me?

Word count: 987

I also want to apologise if there are any spelling mistakes. I write all these chapters on my phone and with such a small screen, it's hard to notice if I spell anything wrong- and autocorrect sucks :/


Flashback chapter is coming soon ;))

ALSO- 2K+ READS!?! That's epic! Ty guysss <3

ALSO- 2K+ READS!?! That's epic! Ty guysss <3

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