Ep. 006

143 3 0

Dixie: just know you can talk to me

Noah: well detention's over you can go now

Dixie: why don't you come to my house, then we'll just go to the party together

Noah: ok, but why don't we go back to my place, I don't know how your parents would fell bringing your teacher home

Dixie: *laughs* ok let's go

They get to Noah's apartment

Dixie: cool place

Noah: thanks, I used to live here with my friend but he and his girlfriend bought a place

Dixie: oh ok, so what do you wanna do

Noah: you wanna watch a movie?

Dixie: sure what movie

Noah: how about a scary one

Dixie: *thinking: is he trying to do something *laughts* sounds good

Noah: let's go to my room

Dixie: ok

Noah: *walks into his room and
jumps into the bed* come on I don't bit
*pats to the bed*

Dixie: *laughs then sits next to him*

Noah: if it gets scared, just tell me,
and I'll turn it off

Dixie: thanks, but that's not gonna happen

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