Ep: 018

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Dixie: huh?

Addi: ik Noah is the "babe on the phone the other day, you're wearing his clothes!

Noah: I've never seen that sweetshirt in my life

Addi: tell me the truth then you stop sleeping with your student

Dixie: ok look Addi, I'm sorry we didn't tell you, we can get in a lot of trouble but we really like each other, please don't tell anyone

Addi: I was never gonna tell anyone in the first place, I won't tell anyone

Dixie: *hugs addi* yay! Thank you

Addi: y'all are really cute together

Dixie:* hugs noah* I'm very happy

Addi: you you were really cute two minutes since

Addi: we should probably go back in there now

Dixie: yeah go back in there so I can come late and you can give me detention

Noah: *laughs and walks back in* were beck

Bryce: what were y'all talking about?

Noah: homework

Dixie: *walks in and sits in her seat*

Noah: Dixie you're late

Dixie: get used to it *rolls her eyes*

Addi: *starts giggling*

Noah; is there a problem Addi

Addi: no *looks down at her book*

Noah: Dixie can I talk to you

Dixie: *upsat* okay

Noah: *walks all the way outside the school then kisses her*

Dixie: *puls away* what are you doing bub?

Noah: I just wanted to kiss you *kisses her again*

Dixie: we should probably go inside before everyone gets suspicious

Noah: are you forgetting something?

Dixie: *kisses him* it's going to be hard being mean to you al day

Noah: I know but you're really good at it

Dixie: *walks back into the classroom with a mad look at her face*

Noah: *walks in behind her* we have a test today *starts handing out tests*

Dixie: *whispers to noah* is this what we studied

Noah: exact questions

Dixie: thank you

Addi: *whispers to Noah*
what happened out there?"

Dixie: nothin

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