Ep. 008

125 3 0

Noah: Dixie, calm down,
just breathe

Dixie: I'm sorry I just really hate her

Noah: *hugs her* I don't like her either

Dixie: can we finish watching the movie now

Noah: ok but what time is it and what time
are we going to bryce's, just so we have
enough time to get ready, not that you
need to, you already look perfect

Dixie: *blushes* thank you and it's 6:30 and
we should probably go at 8:00

Noah: the movies an hour and 10 minutes
long so 20 minutes, Sounds good

Dixie: yeah I just have to fix my makeup

Noah: no you don't but let's finish the movie *goes to his room and sits on the bed*

Dixie: *sits next to him and starts shivering*

Noah: *gets up, grabs a hoodie from
his closet and gives it to Dixie* you can
wear this if you want

Dixie: *puts the hoodie on* thanks

Noah: no problem

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