Ep. 011

118 2 0

Noah: maybe we should
change before we go

Dixie: yeah but I don't have
anything to change to

Noah: you can change the hoodie and
just wear a pair of my sweatpants

Dixie: ok thanks

They get ready

Noah: Dixie, you ready to go

Dixie: yeah

Noah: *thinking: Wow, she's really pretty*

They get to Bryce's house

Dixie: *knocks on bryce's door*

Bryce: *opens the door* oh hi dixie

Dixie: hey Bryce, I hope you don't
mind, I bought someone

Bryce: is it the tiktok boy?

Dixie: *laughs* no, it's just Noah

Noah: here are your keys Dix

Bryce: hey man, there's drinks on the
table if you want some

Noah: aren't y'all a little young to drink

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