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Another Korrasami oneshot :D I love doing stories based off of songs xD I might as well do a song challenge for them, but that is for the future. I'm not sure if this might end up being a multi-chapter, it'll be decided at the end of this. I also have a second alternate story for this. Anyway, on with the story!

(Based of off Jealous by Nick Jonas)


Breathe, Korra, just breathe. It's not that bad- JUST SMASH HIS FACE IN ALREADY! Korra's eyebrow twitched and she pinched the bridge of her nose. She took a deep breath. They're only talking- YEAH, TALKING ABOUT WHEN HE CAN GET IN HER PANTS! She groaned and threw herself against her locker, crossing her arms. She glanced up the hall, her eyes narrowing.

At the end of the hall stood two people: one she hated, and one she loved. The one she hated was a dude named Wu. He was annoying and such a crybaby to be seventeen years old. He was so full of himself and threw himself at any girl he could. The girl he was throwing himself at now happened to be the person Korra loved. Her name was Asami Sato. To Korra, she was the most beautiful girl in the entire high school. She was incredibly smart and a wiz with technology. Guys came onto her all the time, and Korra hated every minute of it.

She saw how Wu started to close in on Asami and her fingers tightened on her forearms, it didn't hurt, but it was the best thing she could do to keep herself from lunging at him. Asami didn't seem to notice. Whatever she was saying, she was too into it to keep an eye on Wu's movements. Korra hated the smirk on his face. She wanted to punch it right off of him. It would probably earn her a good few days in detention, even suspension, but it would be worth it. Leave them alone, he hasn't done anything yet. Step in now! She had to. She couldn't stand to continue watching this unfold in front of her. She breathed once, twice, three times for good measure. She stood up straight, puffed her chest out a bit, and tried her hardest to walk normal towards them.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." she heard Wu say as she approached. "My aunt has, like, three badger moles in her backyard." He grinned like he was proud of himself about something.

"That's incredible." Asami said, though her voice sort of had a bored undertone to it.

"Hey, 'Sami!" Korra greeted, her voice a little rough.

Asami turned in her direction and a smile broke out on her face. Her eyes seemed to immediately light up. "Korra, hey! I was wondering where you were."

Korra came to a stop next to Asami and made a sort of protective stance beside her. Despite that she was a few inches shorter than Asami, very few dared to mess with her. Wu glanced at her and his eyebrow raised in question.

"Well, here I am." Korra replied, forcing a smile. "What's going on?"

"Wu was telling me about his aunt and his ancestry." Asami said. Korra had to form a straight line with her lips to keep from yawning. "He said he comes from a royal family that existed hundreds of years ago."

"That's right." Wu said. "The Earth Kingdom. We were a great people, before we became a democracy." He stepped closer to Asami, sending a furtive glance her way. His eyes passed swiftly up and down her figure. Korra felt the heat rising in her cheeks. "I'd be happy to show you some of our history sometime."

Just as Asami opened her mouth to reply Korra stepped between them, placing an arm around Asami unintentionally. "Gee, that sounds great and all, but Asami is really busy then. Maybe not some other time." She grabbed Asami by the arm and began to lead her away.

"But- I didn't even say when!" Wu called after them. Korra ignored him and turned the nearest corner. Her face scrunched up in a scowl.

"What was that about?" Asami asked when Korra finally let her go.

Korra shrugged, refusing to meet Asami's eyes. "I don't know, he's just really annoying."

"So?" Asami's voice sounded accusing and Korra blushed. "Is that all?"

"I didn't like how he was looking at you." Korra said, going on the defensive.

"What are you talking about?" Asami said. "You're not making any sense."

"You mean you didn't see it?" Korra questioned. Asami shook her head and Korra gritted her teeth. "He was looking at you like you were a piece of meat." She said through her teeth. "I couldn't stand watching him undress you with his eyes. It was disturbing."

"So you think I can't handle myself." It wasn't a question, and Korra immediately felt foolish.

"No, that's not what I meant-" She cut herself off and sighed. "I'm sorry, okay? I just... didn't want to see him try anything with you."

Asami's anger softened and she sighed. "It's fine, I understand. It's nice that you care." Korra relaxed a bit. "I didn't mean to come off so hard on you." Asami's eyes flickered with an amusing light. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous."

Korra, taken back by Asami's playful claim, took a step back and struggled for an answer. Her cheeks darkened as she stuttered a reply. "Pffft, me? Jealous?" She forced a laugh. "Nah, be for real! I don't get jealous! Very funny, 'Sami."

Asami giggled and reached a hand out to Korra's shoulder. "Seriously, though, I do appreciate it. I don't think I'd be able to stand another story about all the exotic animals his aunt has. You're a lifesaver."

"You know me," Korra made a heroic stance. "Korra the lifesaver, saving people from boring stories everywhere." The minute it was out of her mouth, she resisted the urge to kick herself. Idiot!

To her surprise, Asami laughed again. "My hero." She pretended to swoon and they laughed.

"Walk me to class?" Asami asked.

"Yeah, sure." Korra replied, smiling.


Yeah, I bet I could continue this! I guess you could call this a rough draft. Let me know if you want more, I'll be happy to oblige!

Thanks for reading!

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