Bad Dreams & Realization

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It was cloudy outside, threatening to rain on her as she stood on the sidewalk. She had her head down and her hands were shoved deep in her pockets. She wasn't doing anything but standing there. It was cold, but she didn't have a jacket. The only thing she noticed was how alone she felt.

A drop of rain hit her head and she looked up, closing her eyes as another drop hit her on her forehead. She grimaced and put her head down again as the rain gradually picked up. Still, she stood there. She didn't know what exactly she was waiting for until she felt another's presence and a shadow cast over her, blocking the rain. She looked up in surprise, only to be met with familiar green eyes and a warm smile.

"Need a friend?" her voice said, ringing gently in her ears like it used to.

To her own amazement, she found herself smiling back. "If you're offering." she said jokingly, making the other laugh.

She stepped closer with the umbrella, close enough to brush her shoulder against hers. A shiver passed down the shorter girl's spine and she bit her lip. She felt a hand ease its way into hers and their fingers intertwined. In that second, something changed. Everything felt...wrong.

"Korra..." her voice whispered, oddly haunting.

She pulled her hand away at an instant, stepping back. She met those green eyes again, gritting her teeth. "No..." she said, her tone strained.

"No what?" she asked, trying to step closer.

Korra moved back again, out from under the umbrella and back into the pouring rain. "I'm not...I'm not going through this again..."

"But I love you, Korra..."

Korra clenched her hands into fists, her eyes brimming with tears. "No you don' never did, Asami!"

"I always have..." Asami said. Her voice became distant.

"I loved you first!" she cried, her voice raising unintentionally. She didn't bother to fight the tears that now streamed down her face. They blended in with the rainwater hitting her cheeks. "I did... And you ignored me..."

A look of sadness fell upon Asami's face and Korra forced herself to turn away. Her feet gave way to running. She didn't know where she was going, but she'd run. She'd run, until-

Korra shot straight up in her bed, gasping for air and sweating profusely. Her heart became a jackhammer in her chest and her hair stuck to her forehead. Her vision was dazed for a few seconds and she found herself staring at her blankets.

When did she fall asleep? How long had she been asleep? She never checked the time, but it was almost dark outside. It had to of been a while. Using her hand, she swept back the stray hair clinging to her damp forehead and closed her eyes, trying to ease her heart and slow her breathing. Naga whined from the foot of her bed and inched forward, pressing her nose to Korra's hand.

"It's okay, girl..." Korra said quietly, scratching Naga behind her ear. "Just a bad dream..."

That's all she wanted to think of it as. A dream. Nothing more. She wanted to give it as little thought as possible and hope that the dream would just go away on its own. All the heartbreaking parts that came with it.

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