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She managed to avoid Asami all day the next day. She knew Asami's schedule, she knew the hallways she took from walking her to class. She even got away from her at lunch. With that information on her side, it was almost a stress-free day. Still, it wasn't enough. The more she thought about it, the higher her aggression and the lower her tolerance.

She needed to get rid of her anger and frustration. She needed to get her mind off of it. The best place to let off stream was the after school weight lifting class. Right when the final bell of the day went off, she was out of her seat on her way to the gym. Mako saw her in the hallway as she rushed past him.

"Hey, Korra." he said. "Where ya going?"

"Gym." was all she said as she kept going.

His eyes followed her, eyebrow raised, and he kept walking. Korra briefly thought about turning around and apologizing for her abrupt and kind of rude answer, but her feet kept their pace. She wasn't in the mood, and probably wouldn't be for another half hour. She shoved past the gym doors.

There were are least six guys there, three or four Korra recognized. There were a few girls, but they weren't doing anything accept watching the boys showing off how much they could press and lift. Korra rolled her eyes and headed over to the equipment, throwing her backpack down. She decided for the bench press first. Normally, Korra would lift less than she really could and let the guys marvel in their glory of being able to lift so much, simply because she didn't care about getting girls' attention over it. Today was different. She had too much to get out. She raised the weight from fifty pounds to one-sixty, approximately thirty pounds more than Korra weighed herself. She got on bench, gripped the handle, and lifted it off the holder.

Korra knew she probably could've gone up another ten, but she was only trying to focus her mind, not break her arms in the process. Still, it was a little too easy for her. She let her mind focus on the weight of the dumbbell, how slow or fast she lifted and lowered it, the sweat that was very slowly starting to break out with each press. She centered her breathing to her stomach.

She didn't realize she'd closed her eyes until a shadow casted over them. She opened her eyelids just enough to see who was standing above her, and almost dropped the weights.

"Hey, Korra," Asami said.

"Hey." Korra deadpanned. "What's up?"

"Mako told me where to find you." Asami said. "I was hoping to talk. About yesterday."

"Go ahead." Korra said. She decided to keep holding onto the dumbbell. It would keep her from doing anything crazy.

"I'm sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable position." Asami said. When Korra didn't say anything, she continued. "I was hoping nothing awkward would happen. That's why I was so hesitant to introduce you guys."

She watched as Korra strained to lift the weight. Her arms shook slightly as her muscles tensed and pushed upwards. From what Asami could see, Korra was lifting more than her weight and more than, if not equal to, the guys currently in the room. She couldn't help but notice how Korra's chest rose and fell with her every slow breath and how her biceps poked out from under her short sleeves. Asami raised her eyebrows, impressed, then shook her head to clear her thoughts. Korra didn't notice.

Korra did her best to shrug as she set the dumbbell onto the holder. She sat up with a groan and sighed heavily. "Whatever, it's fine." she said. She brushed the back of her hand across her forehead. "It doesn't matter."

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