Change of Plans

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Also, warning: this chapter will contain minor content and mild violence.


Things were almost ready. The invites had been sent out and so far they had more than enough people. Bolin had been the one to call and invite Korra to the party, and, with a little reluctance, she agreed to go. Everything was falling into place just the like they wanted it to. If the party went down the way it was meant to, everyone would finally be happy. The next day after school, Niko, Mako, and Bolin met up. They were standing right outside, by the stairs.

"Are we sure that everything is in place?" Mako asked.

"Totally." Niko said. "We just need to make sure that Korra and Asami definitely show up. We can't let them back out." He looked around. "I know this diner we can go to to finish our planning, if you guys want to go. Also, it's much safer than around the school."

"I'm always up for some food." Bolin said, smiling.

"Yeah, sounds cool." Mako said.

"Awesome, let's go." Niko said.

They headed up the sidewalk, unbeknownst to them that they were being followed...

~time skip~

It wasn't that long of a walk, it was actually only a few blocks away. They reached the diner and, just as they were about to enter it, someone cleared their throat behind them.

"Sup?" came a familiar, uninterested voice.

The three boys looked behind them and jumped in surprise. The person standing behind them...was Kuvira. She had her hand shoved in her pockets, the other one holding a brown paper bag, and an eyebrow raised. The three of them glanced at each other, then back at Kuvira. She had a straight face, but her eyes had those of a predator ready to mangle their prey when she looked at them one by one.

"Oh, *ahem* h-hey, Kuvira..." Bolin said nervously, raising his hand to wave, but it freezes from his nerves. "What, uh, what brings you to this diner?"

"Oh, nothing important." Kuvira said. "Just wanted to ask you guys something, maybe talk for a bit."

"About what?" Niko asked.

"I was hoping maybe we could go to my house where there's a bit more...privacy." Kuvira said.

"Sorry, Kuvira." Mako said, taking a step forward. "We can't. We kind of have some homework that we need to get done and-"

"Well, I am a tutor." Kuvira said. "I can help you." She reached forward and patted Mako on the shoulder calmly, but the glare she gave him was that of a lion about to snap its dinner's neck. Mako shrunk back immediately.

"F-fine, we'll follow." he said quietly.

Kuvira smiled pleasantly and turned around army-style. "Good."


Korra slouched in her chair in front of her computer, her head throbbing due to her thoughts. Her aggravation was growing rapidly by the second. Kuvira and Asami had been refusing to leave her thoughts recently, and Korra could've sworn she was spiraling for an emotional breakdown because of them. She couldn't help but to a comparison of the two, tallying up the pros and con's.

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