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Kennedy set her bags down on the floor and looked at the other teens awkwardly. The boy was looking for something in his bag so she decided on the girl. She walked towards her.

"Hey." Kennedy said looking at her. The girl turned around.

"Oh hi. I'm Bianca." She put her hand out for me to shake. "So let's just jump to the point. I'm here for anger management. Sometimes I get mad over small things so try to lay off." She warned.

"Got it." Kennedy said and looked down. Bianca felt kind of bad.

"So why are you here?" She asked more gentle.

"Oh the usual. Drugs, drinking, sneaking out, depression, suicidal all of that fun stuff." Kennedy said sarcastically and Bianca chuckled. "Kennedy by the way." She said. Before they could speak more the boy with tattoos came up to them.

"Hello." He introduced. He seemed shy but she could tell by his black eye and busted lip he was anything but innocent. "I'm Calum."


"Kennedy. So Calum, why're you here?" Calum scoffed.

"Some bullshit. Fighting, drugs, alcohol, anger management. Fucking crazy." He crossed his arms.

"We all have our issues." Bianca said and that stuck with Kennedy because she knew that Bianca wasn't the type to admit fault and she only knew her for less than 5 minutes. The three talked for a few more minutes as new campers walked into the site.

A boy with blue hair.
A girl who was way too skinny.
A boy with blonde hair and was wearing a big sweater.
Another boy who was really muscular.
And a girl with a choker on.
They all stared at each other. Kennedy noticed the muscular boy staring at her.
Bianca didn't like the vibe of the two girls.
Two grown adults walked in with smiles planted on their faces.

"Good morning, campers!" The woman yelled and Bianca was already extremely annoyed. "My name is Diane!"

"And my name is Jason!"

"And welcome to Camp Save Yourself Now." The adults said at the same time.

"Starting now from the end of summer, you all will be relieved from your issues. So in order to get rid of them. We must acknowledge them." Diane explained.

"We're gonna go in a circle. We're gonna say our name, what grade we're going into, why we're here, what may've caused it, and what we want in the end." Jason said and the teens groaned. "Let's start with you." He pointed to the very skinny girl. She stood up.

"My name is Park Marrow. I'm going into my junior year of high school. I'm here because I have an eating disorder and I smoke cigarettes. I think what caused was the cheerleading squad. I was on it. They couldn't lift me and they made me feel big. I stopped eating. When I leave here I wanna be able to eat normally." She smiled small and Bianca rolled her eyes. The next girl stood up.

"I'm Josie Aster. I'm also going into my junior year of high school. My problem is that I'm suicidal. I'm not sure why I'm this way. By the time I leave I would like to be alive." Josie said and did not smile but just sat down. The boy with blonde hair stood up.

"My name is Luke Hemmings, and I'll be going into junior year. I'm here because I smoke cigarettes. I'm this way because-"

"Um Luke." Diane interrupted. "Aren't you are here for something else?" He groaned, annoyed.

"I'm here for smoking and self harm!" Luke said irritated. "I'm this way because when I was young, I walked in on my dad cheating on my mom. When I leave here, I wanna be clean." The boy with blue hair stood, kicking his feet around.

"Michael. You can call me Mike or Mikey I don't really care. I'm going into my senior year of high school. Currently have depression with bipolar disorder and anger management. It's my schools fault, all their fucking fault man." He was getting upset thinking of the animals he called peers. "When I leave, I want to have my anger under control." He slumped back in his seat and the muscular boy stood.

"I'm Ashton. I'm going into my senior year of high school. My problem is I do drugs and drink. Also cutting school. I guess this started when I was my mom shoot up when I was young. She quit." Kennedy's heart ached for him, knowing what it was like. She wished her father had the same luck. "I wanna leave clean. I don't wanna end up like her." Calum stood up.

"I'm Calum Hood. I am also going into my senior year of school. I have the issue of drugs, alcohol, anger management and fighting. I was on the football team and there was a kid on the team threatening to tell the coach about my drug use. I got really mad and destroyed the locker room and blamed it on him. Later that night he tried to jump me but I couldn't stop. I kept punching. I want my anger to be under control." Calum said rubbing his bruised knuckles together. Bianca looked at her fingernails and sighed while standing up.

"My name is Bianca Washburn, I'll be in my senior year in September. I have anger management problems. I've been like this since I was young and I can't control it. Like Calum said, I want my anger to be controlled." Bianca said shortly and sat back down. Kennedy realized it was her turn and stood, nervous.

"I'm Kennedy Chapman. I'll be in my senior year soon. I'm here because of my depression, I'm suicidal, my mom caught me sneaking in and out of the house. I also have a problem with drugs and drinking. The reason why I'm so messed up is because," she paused with a shaky breath. She made eye contact with Ashton. "My dad shot up when I was young. He died when I was six. And I miss him." She said and Ashton had eyes of sympathy. "I wanna be able to be clean by the time I leave." She said and sat down. Diane and Jason stood up.

"Thank you all for talking about these topics. You can all get settled inside your cabins and we'll talk about rules later. Welcome to Camp S.Y.N!" Diane said excited. The teens grabbed their backs and before they walked into their cabins, Ashton and Kennedy looked at each other one more time.

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