Drawn to you.

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As she walked into the gates of the school, it already felt like prison.

She walked slowly and miserably and showed signs of a slight head ache.

But she looked beautiful.

She was, exceptionally beautiful.

She'd always have plenty of proposals lined up, and all she gave them, was disappointment.

She'd made that mistake before.

And she couldn't dream of going through it all again.

Since then, she'd been caught up in her own web which kept her busy.

"Court! Get out of Tomorrowland already! I have some good stuff for you!

First class is Biology!" Claire screamt, which shook her up a bit.

She chipped a smile.

She had something to look forward to.

She loved Biology.

But today, she JUST wasn't in the mood if showing any signs of excitement.

"Umm. Okay. Carry on Claire. I'll see you in class."

"You sure? I don't think I'll be leaving you alone in your current state of mind. You could totally run away from school or something. Can't risk it xD" Claire chuckled.

"Oh shut up, you. I'll be in the washroom. Just in case." She yelled.

"Alright babe! See you in class! Don't be late ;) "

She'd washed her face a milliom times by now.

Her eyes were puffy and her head was KILLING her.

She popped in a few pills, hoping it would be of help.

As she lifted her hands to do a high ponytail, it exposed her bare midriff.

She saw the scar. It broke her.


That thing brought back a thousand unwanted memories and she teared up.

She knew she didn't have time for this today.

She gathered herself up.

"You got this Courtney. You got this."

She looked into the mirror and put on some gloss.

She entered the class, only to be welcomed in by glares and inconspicuous hoots.

It wasn't new to her.

She was a pretty face and this sort of stuff had stopped bothering her.

She walked up and took the seat behind Claire.

"I didn't think you'd come xD" Claire joked.

"I'm all about surprises hon ;) " Courtney winked.

Their conversation was put to halt as they saw a man enter the class room.

He was attired in a white shirt with a blue tie and perfectly polished leather shoes.

His eyes were like an ocean.

Blue and beautiful.

He had a body, carved to perfection.

His hair, the color of chocolate.

And a gorgeous stubble, to complete the look.

Man. He was hot.

The murmurs had begun.

"REALLY? THIS guy's gonna be teaching?"

"I'd be on with a full attendance this year."

were some of the comments Courtney overheard.

She felt nothing like they did.

Her's was worse.

"Morning class! My name is Elliot Sanders and I'll be teaching you Biology this year.

Hope we have a pleasant experience here."

As the words left his mouth, she was left in a trance. He spoke like rainbows and sunshine.

She didn't know what was happening.

A strange concoction of feelings were mixing up in her belly and she could feel her hormones rushing.

Over the course of the class, he spoke about The Evolution of Life among other things.

But for the first time, that is NOT what she was interested in.

She was staring into those eyes with full intensity.

And Elliot sorta noticed it.

"Hello there, Miss. Would you please stand up and define 'life' for me?"

For me. He said that. She stood up and answered immaculately.

He was impressed.

"What's your name"

"Um. Courtney."

"I'm gonna remember that for a while now."

She felt the goosebumps creeping up her skin.

The bell rung in five.

"Okay class. See you on Tuesday. You guys are better than I'd thought!"

He winked and left.

But she didn't.

She was still there.

Still in the moment.

Still feeing his words buzzing in her ears.

She was drawn to him.

And she knew she'll be regretting this.

Thanks for reading guys!

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