My heart goes Shalalalala❤

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It had arrived.

The day she'd been waiting for.

The Biology Class with Mr. Elliot.

She could already feel the butterflies.

She took her usual seat as he entered wearing a blue shirt and denims.

Man. He was looking like a dream.

Heck, was he even allowed to be in casuals?

He looked gorgeous.

Throughout class, she was gazing into those puppy blue eyes and loving every bit of it.

She didn't know what this was.

But she knew it was wrong.

How could she?

She tried to brush away the thoughts, only to find herself into a deeper maze of Elliot Sanders.

The eyes.

The face.

The body.

The voice.

It was all way too perfect to be oblivious about.

As the class ended, he greeted and left and Claire shook Courtney up.

'Class is over Court! Whatcha lookin' at?'

Courtney blinked and looked here and there and tried to bring herself back from Sanderland.

'Oh. Uh. Nothing. Just thinking about what he taught today.'

She was obviously lying.

She wasn't aware of a SINGLE topic he'd discussed today.

She was lost.

In his eyes. His imperfect baritone.

His everything.

She sat in the Cafeteria with the Biology Text, hoping she'd make up for what she'd 'missed' in his class.

She wasn't understanding a word.


That scared her.

This hadn't happened with her.

Never ever.

At least, not for her favorite subject.

She needed to do something about this.

She decided to approach Mr. Elliot and ask him to help her figure stuff out.

The very thought gave her chills.

But she knew she needed to do this.

She walked towards the Staff  Room, counting every step and walking real slow.

She peeped in to find he was the only one in there.
Whaaat . She told herself.
I can't get in.
He's the ONLY one.
NOT happening.

What other choice did she have but?

Okay Court.
You've got this.
You've got this.

"May I come in Sir?"

She stammered.

"Aaahh, Ms. Courtney! Please do. How can I help you?" He smiled.

She'd melted already.

"Um. I had  a few issues with the topic you did in class today? Thought I could do with some help from you" She trembled as the words left her mouth.

"I would've loved  to help you out Courtney! But I'm gonna be busy with the Senior School Science Exhibition scheduled for next month." He said, showing concern.

"Oh. That's alright.

Um. No problem.

I'll come back once you're free :)"

She tried to smile, but looked visibly disappointed.

As she turned to leave, he called out to her.

It gave her goosebumps.

"You could have my number though!

I'll be free once I'm home.

I'd love to help you out."

She flushed.

"Sure Sir. I'll take a note of it :)"

He smiled and wrote it onto a strip of paper.

"There you go, Courtney!

Fell free to contact me :)"

She blushed a little and left ASAP.


It was a bit too hard to digest that.

Hell it was TOO DAMN hard!

Was all this some sorta dream?

She hoped it wasn't.

Her heart went Shalalalala❤

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