Pavel as your brother

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"Mooooommmm!!" I shrieked as my bully brother Pavel pulled a prank on me causing my hair to be dyed blue. Because he thought it would e funny to put hair coloring to the bottle of shampoo.

Pavel was laughing his lungs out he might actually spit it out. Clutching his stomach as he laughed like a freaking maniac.

"Lil sis, you look good in blue hair " he says after gaining his sanity back.

"Ugh! Get out of the way!" I huff out and marched out of the bathroom with my now blue hair.

Just watch your back my dear big bro. I'm gonna get back at you.

Few days passed and my mom just had to make me go and buy some stuff to the grocery. Luckily, my brother Pavel was just done with his work out so he ad to take me to the grocery store and back. Mwehehehe

"Come on you turtle Pavel!" I shouted at him. Making my way to his beloved Rosie, his Ducati bigbike that he loves more than his boyfriend Dome.

"On my way you blue headed brat! He spat. He looked annoying but I know he looks good. Hell all of his friends look good. They were a group of six overly gorgeous men. Hahahahaha except my brother of course. But they all are a couple. Like his overly gorgeous boyfriend Dome who always spoils me whenever he's with us. And then there's Benjamin and Earth who always look like they're lovesick. Then my favorite couple, Joong and Nine. Nine is soooo pretty like omg.

Walking through the aisle of cookies, I saw my bullies. Warren and his minions. They always make it to a point where they need to constantly bully me every chance they get. And I guess now isn't an exception.

"Look who we have here." I hear Warrens annoying voice. His minions snicker with him.

"Leave me alone Warren." I say softly.

"What if I don't? What are you gonna do? Cry?" He slaps my back hard. Making me flinch in pain. It stung. I wonder where Pavel is right now. He could see me and things might get worse.

"Look she's crying. Hahahahaha what a crybaby " his minion laughs. I can feel my tears starting to fall. When will this bullying end? Should I just end my life? No. My mom would be sad.

"Y/n?" I hear Pavels voice ring through the last of the aisle. His eyes were dark. It's going to be bloody.

"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" Warren laughs annoyingly.

His laugh suddenly stopped when Pavels fist connected with his face. Ouch that must hurt. Warren fell to the ground clutching his now broken nose. Shrieking. That sounded sooo good in my ears.

"What the fuck?!" Was all Warren could say because all of his minions fell down one by one.

"Don't touch my sister you freak. If you ever lay a hand on her, I will make sure to cut those lame ass hands and feed it to you personally. Same goes to your friends you sick bastard." Pavel was saying this words slowly. Terrifying. I really fear Pavel when he is mad. Because every time he does, he becomes the most ruthless person ever.

Warren could only nod in fear. Seeing Pavels eyes. I swear he could've pissed his jeans now.

"Let's go y/n, I'm teaching you the basics of self defense so you can protect yourself when I'm not with you. I better tell the others to watch over you." Pavel puts his arms around my shoulder and goes to pay the grocery we bought.

I may hate my brother sometimes but, he is still the best brother ever.

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