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P'Nine invited me to join him and his family for a short vacation. I agreed right away because why not? Right? Its an opportunity for me to spend some quality time with my boyfriend. The members of his family are all very accomodating and they are all very warm. No wonder my P'Nine is warm.

"Joong, are you done packing up?" P'Nine casually strides over to my room to check out if i am done packing up, which I am by the way.

Turning to him, I saw him leaning by the door. With that adorable smile he always has for me. Not the one he shows our fans. But the one that he only shows me.

"Yes P. I was done a while ago. Im just checking if I missed anything." I answered before pulling him for a hug. He gives the best hugs, let me tell you. His body perfectly fits into mine like they were molded to fit.

"Ooh. Someone is extra clingy today huh" he teases me but he is the one blushing. Cute.

"I'm always clingy P. But only to you" i smile at him cheekily.

"Really?" He says smiling before snuggling back to my chest where he belongs. Yes people. He belongs to me. Hah!


The drive to the beach resort where we were headed was full of laughter. His family knows about us and are very supportive. P'Nine was leaning on my shoulder. Tired from all the ruckus we had while driving. His airpods on his ears. I can hear the song playing. It was the song ILoveYou3000. It was the song given to us by our fans. And to be honest? I love the song. Thats why we keep on singing it during our lives together.

I can't help the smile that graced my face when I heard my cute boyfriend listening to "our" song.

Arriving at the hotel by the beach, we settled at our own rooms. I share the room with P'Nine which earned him teasings from his family and a smack in the head for me.

"P, lets go out for a swim." I told P'Nine as we settled our things inside the room.

"Okay. Lets change our clothes first" he amswered.

Changing into beach shorts and a shirt, I was almost done. I looked over to where P'Nine was and saw him on a shirt and shorts that are too short for my liking. His milky white legs are showing too much and I don't like it.

"P, don't you have anything longer than that?" I asked him. Pointing to his shorts.

"Huh? No. Besides, its not that short. We are wearing the same freaking shorts." He says frowning at me.

"Its too short P. Look at your legs. Its showing too much." His legs were like a girls. Slender, milky white, so smooth to touch. I want to run my fingers to it.

"Joong, we are on a beach. I can't wear pants when we are going to swim right?" P'Nine is getting annoyed. I can tell.

Crossing my arms. "No. But you are showing too much skin right now. A lot of people is going to look at you. And I don't like it when people do."

He just shakes his head and laughs a little. "You are such a kid" he ruffles my hair.

P'Nine still held his stand that the shorts he was wearing isn't too short. And that got me a bit annoyed. I really didn't appreciate the looks he was given by the other hotel guests when we were at the lobby waiting for his family. He looks so cute plus his legs were showing so a lot of guys where openly eyeing him.

I just wanted to cover him with a freaking blanket. But my P was oblivious. He keeps on smiling and greeting back anyone who greets us.

"P, lets go" your mom just texted me. They will be down in a few minutes and they wanted us to go first to check on the cottage." I grabbed his hands and led him to walk to where our reserved cottage was.

Finally arriving at the cottage. It was no use. A lot of foreigners and tourists were there and I can't keep everyone from stating at my P.

"Relax Joong." He says, sensing my irritation. He was rubbing my arms and smiling at me gently. "Look, I wont step out of this cottage if you are not with me, okay? Stop glaring at people."

I nodded. Calming out a bit. We waited for his family to arrive. While waiting, I took a thousand of his pictures because why not. Hahaha

It was already past noon time and the weather isn't so hot. So I decided to go swimming. My P'Nine was busy talking with his cousins so I decided to just let him be. He already applied a lot of sunsblock to me so I guess its alright for me to go swimming now.

"P, I'm going to go swimming now" i told him reaching for the hem of my shirt since I dont plan on swimming with a shirt on.

"What the hell Joong?" He snapped at me. Getting me offguard. What? What did I do?

"Why are you taking off you shirt?" He frowns while walking tiwards me.

"Huh? I am going to go swimming P. I don't like swimming with a shirt on." I answer him.

"No. Put it back.",he says. Handling me my shirt back.



"But I dont like swimming with a shirt on. Its uncomfortable" i whine. I don't understand what was wrong with swimming with just my shorts on. I mean, we are on tye beach. We are supposed to swim right? And I cant swim with my shirt on because it sticks to my body. I dont like the feeling.

"Fine. Do what you want." He says then walks out.

I was left speechless. What the hell happened?

"Joong, Nine is so possessive of you." His cousin laughs.

Thats when it hit me. My P doesn't want ither people to see me as much as I don't want other people to see him wearing those stupid shorts. I felt elated. Hah! P'Nine loves me so much, he didn't want other people staring at my body. But I love him too much, cause I csn't stand the stares he was given by a group of guys on the next cottage.

"P!" I grabbed hold of his hands and wrap my arms around him.

"What? You were going for a swim right?" He askes me. Grumpy. Awww so cute.

"No. Not when I want to take the eyes of everyone that stares at you." I say.

"Go swim. I will go back to the cottage" he says gently pushing me.

"Leta go back together P"i say smiling at him.

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