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Its my birthday. Sigh. I know I should be happy. Byt I am not. I should be excited that I am meeting my mom from the airport but I am not. Believe me, I really wanted to feel happy right now. But I just can't.


"Joong!" I heard P'Nines voice call out to me. Its the morning of my birthday. And I expected him to atleast greet me. But he didn't.

"Yes P?" I ask. Turning to face the most adorable person for me. He looks so smol in my shirt. Which he always insisted on using, eversince I moved in his dorm. Fans assumed that it was just for the time being, but they didn't know I am moving in for good. I can't be without him for long.

I needed to feel his presence for me to feel safe. Call me dramatic but that is what I feel. No pretense. I needed to always see him, and not just hear his voice. Not just thru call but face to face averyday.

"Can you hand me that bathbomb at the top shelf?" He asked trying to tippytoe to reach the bathbomb. I purposely put on the top shelf of his or rather our cabinet.

"Why did you have to put it sooo high up? It makes it hard for me to reach up! I needed to stand on a chair!" Nine exclaimed. Pouting after I gave him the bathbomb that he loves.

"So I can reach it up for you." I say grinning making him blush.

"Thank you"he mumbles and sprints off back to the bathroom.

After a lot of cuddling after his bath, we somehow managed to go to our schedule without much delay. We were going to a photoshoot with the other guys for a magazine. Pulling up into the place where the photoshoot was going to take place, I noticed someone who was not from the same agency an us. I have seen him in covers of different magazines and I have to admit, the guy was good looking. But not as good looking as me. Hehe.

"There you are." I heard Benjamin say, he was coming out from the scene, waving at us. With Earth trudging behind him, smiling.

"Hey P. What're we gonna do today?" I asked Ben when he stopped in front of us.

"Hmm some sort of sports magazine. But with other models as well. Cool right? You should meet Joss. He's that dude over there" he says pointing at the guy I was seeing in magazine covers.

"He's soo cool" Earth says. Looking at the guy with pure adoration. Earning a growl from a very jealous Ben.

"No. He's just okay. Not too cool. Not like me." He says puffing his chest. Making the four of us laugh.

"P'Nine, let's go?" I ushered my baby towards the photoshoot. Makeup artists are all lined up in a long desk with makeups and brushes and mirrors.

"After this, let's go eat outside P" I say to Nine as his makeup was getting done. He nods.

"Joong! It's your turn" our manager calls me out and i walk over towards the scene.

Joss was walking towards where I came from. I smiled and greeted him since he is a senior. He greets back then starts walking towards My boyfriend.

As my shoot is ongoing, I can't help but glance at Nine and Joss, Nine's makeup was done and he is just waiting for his turn while Joss is already done and just chilling. Right. Beside. My. Boyfriend.

They are having a talk, I guess, with how animated Joss talks and how my boyfriend laughs at his antics. It made my blood boil with jealousy.

How come he is so happy with other people but quiet when he's with me? He laughs when he's with me too but not that kind of laugh. The photographer notices my focus being on Nine so he calls me out. I feel sorry for not focusing much on the shoot. But my boyfriend is literally a few feet away from me with another guy that's not me!

"Hey Nine." Pavel sits close to Nine and pulls him closer, making Nine look at him in confusion as to why Pavel was pulling him closer. But Pavel just shrugged. Pavel glances at me and I understood. He wants me to focus on the shoot while he guards my boyfriend. Making me relax and continue the shoot smoothly.

After the shoot, Nine says we should go home and rest but he's going to grab us some dinner on the way back to our dorm. I just nod at him, remaining quiet. He pulls over a restaurant where he says he ordered food and went out to get it.

The next thing I know was my boyfriend, singing me a happy birthday while holding up a cake with candles.


Joong has been silent since the photoshoot finished so I knew something was up. I purposely didn't greet him a happy birthday because I was planning to surprise him. But then Joss came up and talked to me. Making him jealous and unfocused that's what Pavel told me after I asked him why he was suddenly all over me. Soooo I knew I had to makeup with my sulking boyfriend.

He was awfully quiet when we were headed home. Just nodding when I told him we were getting dinner on the way home.

I bought a cake on the said restaurant and quietly tiptoep back to my car. Singing him a happy birthday. Making me see his sad face staring back at me. Making my heart hurt.

"Baby, happy birthday. I know, you're jealous about Joss. But I swear he's just a friend. I love you. You know that right? Sorry for not greeting you earlier. I wanted to prepare a surprise for you but you went and became sad instead." I kissed him slowly making him smile in between our kisses.

"I love you so much P'Nine. Thank you for making my birthday extra special." He says then kisses me again.

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