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The whole situation at ben's house was starting to make me feel really uneasy and sort of light headed so I just decided it was best for me to go home. I didn't want to admit I was scared so I just said I had to go help with house work, this really isn't the time for me to put any more worries onto the group so it's best they don't know how i'm feeling right now.

As soon as I got home I just headed straight to bed, despite the fact it was only 5pm. I slept the whole night but was awoken with the ringing of the phone.

I hazily walked over to the phone and yawned before answering it with a simple "hello". "Hey y-y/n, i-it's me beverly."the voice said. Bev sounded clearly worried so I didn't have a good feeling. "oh hey bev, you okay?" I asked. "Umm yea yes i'm okay, please can you come over as soon as possible, I have already asked the others." She said quickly. "Oh uh yea sure i'll see you soon, but are you sure you are okay." I ask again. "yea i'm fine." She says, clearly lying. "bullshit." I reply. "I'll just explain when you get here." She said hesitating slightly. "Okay, later bev." I say as I hang up the phone to get ready.

(As always you can change the outfit)

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(As always you can change the outfit)

I grab my bike and head of to beverly's house, I think the other losers are already on their way there so I speed up a bit more so I'm not the last one there. In the distance I see a few familiar bikes so I continue cycling down the alley way. I place my bike down and go stand next to where the group was. "You guys all got a call too?" Ben asks us all. "Yea bev said to be here, she didn't say why though." I shrug

Just then Beverly came running down the large flight of stairs from the apartments. "You made it. I... I need to show you something." She said, out of breath. "What is it?" Eddie asked curiously. "More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie joked. "Shut up! Just shut up, Richie." Eddie warned as I elbowed Richie in his arm. "My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly said, the same panic as before still continued in her voice. "Good job I'm here then, now what is it." I say, eager to help out. "It will need more than 2 of us, it's not really an easy job." She panicked. "Please don't tell me it's a spider, I fucking hate spiders." I state,  "Then w-we'll leave a lookout. R-richie, s-stay here." Bill stuttered. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What if her dad comes back?" Richie yelled and the rest of us headed up the stairs. "Do what you always do. Start talking." Stanley said sarcastically, although it was true, the kid never shut up.

"It is a gift." He said with a small smile.

"Please return it." I say as I hurry up the stairs.

Eddie and Stan laugh to themselves as we step into the apartment, we go down the corridor with a door at the very end of it. A fluorescent red light was glowing from the small gap from where in the door was left slightly ajar. "What's in there like ones of those super spy lazer rooms?" i say seriously, it's a possibility, Beverly marsh: super spy. The group look at me with the same concerned expression on their faces. "okay sorry, go on bev." I say as she slowly leads us closer to the door.

"What is it?" Stanley asks, all of us were trying to analyse the strange red glow from the room. "You'll see." she said, looking scared. "Are you taking us to your bathroom? I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms. And, I mean, that's where all the bacteria and fungi are, and it's not a really sanitary place..." Eddie rambled on as bill opened the door.

It was a bathroom, but it was absolutely covered in what looked like blood, the red surface reflected of each of the walls and there was a gut wrenching stench coming from all of it. There was no part of the room that was clean, but i have one question: WHAT THE FUCK?

My eyes opened wide and my eyebrows rose at the sight "I knew it!" Eddie gaged. "You see it?" Beverly asked, surprised. "It's not hard to miss really." I say, as i feel someone grab my hand, to my surprise, It was stanley, but it's not a bad surprise at all. I enjoyed the comfort of having someone there.

"Wh— What happened in here?" Bill asked sounding more worried than usual. "My dad couldn't see it. I thought I might be crazy." Beverly said as she placed her hand on her elbow. "Well, if you're crazy,
then we're all crazy." Ben adds. "We can't leave it like this." Bill says as he steps into the bathroom.

Bev brings a shit ton of cleaning supplies to the room and we start cleaning the room, everyone stayed silent except for Eddie who was plugging his nose and making noises as if he was about to throw up. The room was beginning to become somewhat clean again so bev let me and stan through out all the bin bags we had filled with old wipes and cloth.

"what do you think happened back there?" I ask him, wanting a genuine answer, it was so strange yet i had the perfect explanation. "I honestly have no idea, I would be crazy to say that clown right." He said as he dumped the bag into the bins. "I was thinking exactly same thing." I say, "I mean it's insane, but it has to be, what else could have happened." He agrees. "I just hope whatever it is goes away soon, it's really starting to freak me out." I confess as i wrap the necklace i was wearing around my finger. "hey it's okay, you have me, i'll keep you safe." He says as he pulls me into a hug. I hug him for a few more seconds then pull away.

"promise." I say as I pull out my little finger, he connects his with mine as he looks me in the eyes.



1096 words

i'm so sorry for the late update, I'm trying to keep a schedule i swear 🥲
Anyway... HAPPY PRIDE MONTHHH :D also just want to say thank you so much for reading this, you guys are the best!!
until next time, drink water, stay safe

- your bitch, May<3

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