Spell Jars

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Finally we're here! My favorite part! Spell jars are my favorite thing to do in witch craft, as they are so fun to make, interactive and easy! Here are the steps to make a spell jar:

1. Choose out an airtight container, small enough to carry around with you but big enough to fill with herbs. Just be aware that the jar will have wax poured over it, so once you've used it, you've used it (unless you want to scrape off wax)!

2. Get your ingredients ready! You can either look up ingredients for the specific spell jar you want online or attempt to make your own. If you want a spell jar for protection, look at the "Herbs and their meanings chapter" and pick out some herbs/ingredients with the meaning protection.

3. Burn a candle (visit my "Candle Magick" chapter on what candles work on what types of spell jars- white works on all so tealight candles are my go to!)

4. Get yourself in a state of mind, ready to make this spell jar. Meditate, focus on the energy you're absorbing from the world around you and your breathing.

5. Make a sigil with the same meaning as the spell jar (e.g. if the spell jar is about studying well, your sigil should represent a sentence like "I study well and receive the grade I want")

5. After feeling all your positive energy fill your body and making your sigil, cleanse your jar (visit my "How to Cleanse" chapter) and your room.

6. Add in all your ingredients, then burn your sigil.

7. Collect the ashes of the sigil and put it into the spell jar, then close the lid of your jar.

8. The candle you lit (step 3) should now have wax on it. Put your spell jar on a plat or flat surface and pour the wax over the top of the jar, making wax drip down the sides and sealing the jar.

9. You now have a spell jar! Carry this jar around you when it applies (e.g. your study spell jar should be when you when you study)


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