Chapter 4

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Disclaimer Warhammer 40k belongs to Games Workshop

I opened my eyes and saw, something I wasn't prepared for. I was sitting on a chair in front of a desc. And behind that desc was...well me. Or should I say demon me. Now I noticed that I was human again but I still wore my uniform just like my opposite. We looked at each other in silence until he decided to break the silence. ''I know you must have a lot of questions but don't wor-'' ''Oh really no shit sherlock. I mean I wake up in the Warp, the fucking Warp! Dressed like a commissar and look like a daemon. Then I land basically inside a fucking warzone. Then I have to escape with a bunch of guardsmen after bullshitting me through a camp of fucking chaos lunatics. Followed by a journey with two tanks through enemy lines and getting nearly decapitated by a god dammed Bloodletter! And now I am with imperial forces and you know what?! That's. Not. Good. Either! Now I have bloodthirsty daemonfuckes in my front and religious fanatics in my back! And I still have a lot of questions.'' I finally finished my rant and looked expectingly at my opposite.

He cleared his throat and began to speak. '' I know it must be disturbing for you and of course you have a lot of questions.'' He made a little pause and continued. ''But I have to admit that I personally don't know much more then you. I am just your daemonic side after all.'' I stared at him. ''I know weird right? But I'm not shitting with you. I mean let's put it like this. I am the mind of this body. You are basically the pilot but I am the auto pilot. You remember when you thought against that daemon and your nonexistent reflexes kicked in? Well, that was me.''

I looked at him and blinked. Then blinked again and then blinked once more. ''How can I be sure that you are not some chaos Daemon trying to bore yourself into my mind and minfuck me like Slanesh cultist their victims.?'' ''I can assure you that I mean no harm. After all I am you in some kind of way.''

''So let me get this straight. You don't know why we are here. But you are in some way me. Do you have any proof of that?'' He seemed to think about that for a very long time. I could practically see the gears working inside of his head. But after some time, he seemed to have reached a conclusion, he looked me in the eyes and said finally. ''If nothing is faster than light? Then how was the darkness already there?'' ''...That is such a ridiculous and dump question. All right I believe you. But in the end, I must say that we are pretty much fucked. I mean if the daemons don't kill us then the imperials will because of our looks.'' ''Well, I have an could do it like the greatest commissar of all times.'' ''Gaunt?'' ''No'' ''Yarrik?'' ''No, not Yarrik.'' ''Do you mean Cain?'' ''Yes! Exactly we will do it like the great Ciaphas Cain, hero of the imperium.'' I gave him a blank look and spoke. ''So, in other words, you suggest I should bullshit me through?'' ''In some kind of way yes but less bullshitting and mor being heroic. If they see you doing heroic things then they might actually buy your story of you being an actual commissar who got sucked in the warp but kept resisting its powers.'' I considered the idea. The sad thing was, that that was actually the best or at least the less suicidal way of surviving. '' Ok idea approved.'' ''Great now ready yourself I think someone is trying to wake you up.'' And with that everything went black once again.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. As I opened my eyes, I was greeted by Bratar's face. ''Commissar, Forkester wants to see you.'' I was still a bit dazed and had some problems to comprehend wat he was saying. ''And who was Forkester?'' I asked the senior officer. ''General Farkester sir. You met him in the command center.'' Oh, that general. Now that I thought about it, I didn't even know where I actually was but hey that wasn't as important now. I mean Ciaphas Cain the hero of the imperium probably didn't even know the name of his home planet.

I followed Bratar to the command center and was again greeted by Farkester. ''It is good to see you commissar. I hope you are well rested and ready for the upcoming battle.'' I nodded and we went to a table in the middle of the room. On the table was a holomap that showed the town and the terrain around of it. ''As you can see, we are holding the city and the heretics are about a mile away. Since yesterday they got themselves a lot of reinforcements pushing their numbers in the several hundred thousand. Our soldiers are outmanned about nearly three to one. If the break through the rest of the planet will fall. In other words, we are in deep shit.'' Forkester ended his report with a grim face.

He was right with all those heretics and daemons in front of us we were in deep shit. After all, if they actually managed it to get a distress call out there was the very possible possibility that the ''help'' we were hoping fore would be nothing less than a whole Exterminatum. And personally, I didn't like it being blown into my monticules.

''So, we have to hold the line. Just as we always do am I right?'' I spoke. ''I see you understand I would like to ask you a question.'' Farkester directed his gaze at me. ''Since our last commissar died during battle the moral of the troops is rather low. Could you maybe ''encourage'' them?'' So, all in all the soldiers were close to losing hope and as a ''proper commissar'' it was my job to get them in line. If that would mean that I should them or make some encouraging speeches was completely my decision. ''All right general let's see if I can raise the spirits.''

So, there I stood on a podest in front of a whole guardsman regiment and a bunch of PDF soldiers. In truth I had no idea how to raise their spirits. I mean I wasn't even a real commissar. I was just a teenager. I never had to encourage someone to march in almost certain death.

But I didn't had time for that. The guardsmen and PDFs were still watching me. I cleared my throat and begann.

Joren was scared, scared and worn out. The whole siege was very tiering. For days he had to fight against cultist and daemons without really a break. There was no hope really. But now that commissar was here, standing on a pedestal his face hidden behind a gas mask and looking at them. After some time he straightened his bag and spoke.

''Guardsmen and PDF soldiers! I know that you are tired scared and without hope. You have fought for days, weeks even with nearly no rest. But now is not the time to shit in our pants. Out there is one of the many enemies humanity has. An enemy who will not stop until everything in is way is destroyed. But you are the imperial guard the fundament of the imperium. Without you the imperium falls but you are here. The emperor askes you one thing to hold the line. We are the soldiers who fight on thousands of worlds horrors no human can imagine. But you do it because it is your duty. And this duty only ends in death. The empire needs you. No, I need you help me to defend this planed from those horrors we have sworn to defeat. We will fight without fear and without hesitation! After all wat are the mightiest, weapons of humanity? The tank? No! The Bolter or the sword? No! The Titan? The spaceship? No! Courage and faith! Follow me and we will show them the might of the Astra Militarum! For the Emperor! For. The Imperium!''

Joren felt a fire inside him. And fueled by the commissar's words he raised his weapon and Roared ''For the Imperium!''

A giand spaceship cruised through the warp. It was part of a mighty battlegroup made out of three ships. On it's hull was imposing emblem. A black fist raised upwirds inside a white circle with black outlines.

Next oto it were two other ships one with the emblem of a white greek omega letter. The last ship had the white head of some kind of lizard on it's side.

On the bridge of the fist ship stood a mountain of a man. He was inside a mighty armor and with a sword by his side that looked like a mixture between a sword and a chainsaw. He stared into the warp with peircing eyes.

Suddenly another man came to his side. "Brother we have piced up a distress call. Another world is being attact by the enemy." He spoke. The man closed his eyes for a moment and then spoke. "Inform the ultamariens and salamanders that we shall head out immediately not another world shall fall to the forces of chaos."

Forkester stood at the holo table Major Serlan beside him. ''Are you sure we can trust him? What if all of this is just a trap?'' She asked. Forkester rubbed his eyes and signed. ''Honestly? I don't know but right now I am willing to do it if it helps us.'' He could hear the roaring and cheering of the soldiers outside of the tent. ''Very well ''commissar'' Steger let's see if the commissar from hell can help the forces from heaven.''

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