Ch. 1

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"Will! You can't peek! It's for the campaign next week." Screamed Mike, a smile on his face. He had his hand stretched away while Will was practically on top of him, trying to snatch his book out of his hands.

Will was laughing while trying to see what Mike was writing. His drawing of the other boy discarded on the bed. "Come on, Mike. Just let me see!"

"No, that's cheating!"

"Is it really cheating if I'm your boyfriend?"

A laugh tore out of Mike's mouth, dropping the book onto the floor as he wrapped his arms around Will, rolling them over so that he hovered over the more petite boy. "Yes!"

They both couldn't stop laughing, neither one having a care in the world, especially since Mike's family wasn't home that night.

Everything was back to normal after everything with the mind flayer, Billy, and the Russians. Hopper was found in the wreckage, which El was very grateful for. The Byers family ended up staying with the help of Hopper. El now gets to go to actual school with the rest of them. And, it turned out Suzie was real after all, which shocked everyone. Mike and El made up, but what shocked everyone was when they invited Will in as their third. El having a connection with Will since the Upside Down, drawing them to each other naturally, while Will and Mike have been best friends for a decade and plan to be for the rest of their lives. It had only made sense that the two would eventually find themselves drawn to each other in more certain ways than other best friends did. Everyone was very supportive, especially Joyce and Johnathon.

The only downside about it was that Nancy had dragged Mike off, warning him about their parents and how they wouldn't be as supportive. Especially Ted in all his homophobic glory. And it turns out that Nancy, Steve, and Johnathon were in a relationship as well, which Mike found out by complete accident when walking into his sister's room one day.

He ended up at Will's house that day screaming how he needed bleach ASA-yesterday! Everyone else found the situation hilarious; Mike did not.

"You're staring," Will whispered, a small smile on his face long after they stopped laughing.

"I know," Mike whispered back before leaning down and capturing Will's lips in a gentle kiss.

They kissed for what felt like hours, the kiss not exactly going to the point of a heated makeout session but not staying to the closed-mouth kisses they usually share in front of everyone else.

They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't hear the jingle of keys in the door or the set of heels clicking down the hallway toward his room. A little girl laughing in the kitchen while a male sighed was the first sound they heard when Mike's door was pressed open.

"Mike, honey, we'r-"


The sight that Karen Wheeler saw wasn't a pleasant one. Will was lying flat on the bed, Mike hovering over him with his arms wrapped around his waist. Will's legs were gently wound around Mike's legs in a comfortable position, keeping the boy over him.

After the initial shock, they both sprung apart from one another. "Mom!" called Mike hesitantly, "it's, it's really not what it looks like."

"Michael," she started in a strained voice before her eyes went to Will, partially hiding behind Mike. "William, I think you should go home."

He flinched at the use of his full name, Mike instantly noticing. "Mom-"

"Michael, we need to talk. William, I think it's best if you leave." Karen had a finger raised, pointing towards the door. Will made slow work of getting off the bed and walking towards the door, cautiously glancing at Mike, who was looking back with what looked like shame and sorry in his eyes.

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