Bio Vulcan

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Name: Azar Fuwa

Age: 17

Alias: Kamen rider Vulcan, The wolf, The blue flame wolf, Big brother (His little sister), The Shooting Wolf, Azar

Alias: Kamen rider Vulcan, The wolf, The blue flame wolf, Big brother (His little sister), The Shooting Wolf, Azar

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Gender: Male

Species: Human

Homeworld: Earth

Affiliation: Hiden Intelligence, S.U.F/S.H.F, World Hero Academy, A.I.M.S, Zero-One force

Occupation: High school student, A.I.M.S, bodyguard, agent

His family:

Farther: Mr. Fuwa

Mother: Ms. Fuwa

Little brother: Fuwa Young Brother

Little sister: Minako Kikiko

Little sister: Minako Kikiko

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