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Its cold, so fucking cold.

The snow is at least a foot thick, and all i knew was that the rest of my squad was dead somewhere beneath me. I clambered up to my feet, my eyes and ears adjusting from the bright light of gunfire to quiet dark woods. My ears rang through my entire body, my vision going blurry and i fall into a tree, leaning against it i quickly realize my shoulder is bleeding from a gunshot. I groan out of weakness and look up to the sky, it was beautiful. The stars you could see perfectly and i got lost in a trance wishing everything was fine and i had been looking up at these stars not out of fear but out of wonder.

I breathe out and turn on my hip light to look around me once more, the blood stained snow covering my friends bodies sending me to become nauseous with reality. "Oh my god." i whisper as if i'd be caught, I then realize I have to find some sort of shelter or life....I need to get home. My weak legs lead me to an opening in the woods, I walk through them unaware of where the final destination would be. I duck underneath the long branches and climb over fallen trees.

My knees go weak beneath me and i fall into the hard snow. I almost want to stay there and just die like i know i eventually will, but something inside me forces me to get up and keep going. As i walk though the woods i scare off some crows which send a chill down my spine, i brush it off and continue following the little openings in the trees i find. As i mindlessly find my way around the woods i stumble upon a dead crow hanging on a tree and i freeze in my steps. "oh, what fucking sick nazi-" i mumble to myself and grab the pistol on my hip, becoming more conscious of my surroundings.

I then find a subtle light coming far away from where i stood, i didn't know if my eyes were making up but i still forced my way through those woods and to the light. As i grew closer and closer, i made out it was a lantern on a house, a little dirt road leading to a quant town. "i just need to...get someone." i mumble to myself, focusing my energy on one task at a time. I walk up to the cabin porch and knock on the door, waiting for an answer. I then realize how late it is and look at my watch. "Damnit." i curse, noticing it was only two in the morning. i groan and look around for some sort of shelter for the night.

"Are you lost?" i hear a voice distantly say, i slowly turn around to see an old woman dressed in black cloth and a menacing look. I pull my cost jacket up on my hip exposing my gun, "Who sent you? No one in this town is awake at this hour." i state and turn to her fully, hand still on my pistol. Suddenly her unsettling snicker rings throughout my ears, making me even more nauseated. "You cannot kill me with such a mortal tool, come child. I can get you back home." she says and starts walking casually away.

Terrified yet intrigued i follow, not wanting to know what her unsettling words meant. "The lycans will escort you. Please don't kill them, they mean well." she says and my eyes furrow, "The fuck is a Lie-can?" I ask and suddenly i'm knocked out from under my feet, my head spinning and suddenly a terrifying figure knocks me unconscious, i dizzily wake up to being dragged across the street, then suddenly in a tunnel. I finally gain most of my consciousness when i'm being strapped to a medical table in a dark room, the smell of mold and rust making me lightheaded. "What happ...where am i...?" i say disoriented and unable to see straight, "Why, Karl! You're home.." i hear a gentle voice say as she walked inside the room.

I start to panic, looking down at my feet realizing my head, feet, and hands are all strapped down. "What're you doing to me you bitch!" i spat at the woman, her face covered by a golden crow mask. "Eva i have high hopes for this one my love..." i heard her say to herself before putting a mask over my mouth, i noticed the tables next to me and the strange creature within a jar, i breathed heavily and started thrashing around, trying my hardest to get out of the restraints but soon i was out cold. When i woke up, my entire body felt disgusting.

    I scanned my surroundings again, the room dirty and blood on the floor beneath me. i look down at my suddenly bare chest and notice staples down my stomach. My eyes widen and my heart begins to race, i feel numb and my eyes swell with tears. "no, no, no, no, no..." i say as i start sobbing, the tears falling to the sides of my face and unable to wipe away the tears i blink them away. "Are you the new-comer?" a small child speaks through a doll, she notices my tears and i stare at her with worry. "Its okay, i did it too. It heals faster once it gets used to you." she says, my mouth falls agape in horror that a child had to go through this, "What's your name?" i ask kindly.

    She shifts her feet nervously and pauses, the doll then speaks. "My name's Angie." She says, and i smile. "What about that girl behind you? whats her name?" i ask shakily as i notice her movements are beginning to become more anxious. "Donna." i hear her say and i smile at her. "My name's Karl. Do you two think you could help me?" i say and she shakes the dolls head 'no', "Only Mother can. Last time i did...it didn't end well." She answered me and i sighed through my tears. "You're just a kid...god you're just a fucking child-" i realize out loud, my eyes squeezing tight as i hold in a panic attack.

    She stands next to me and places the doll's hand on mine, "Everything is as it should be." she says, my mind being distracted by her actions for a moment. I then gain enough breath to ask her a question, "So who is mother? is- is she the one who brought me-er...us here?" i ask and she nods the dolls head. "Yup!" her voice says and i sigh, "You're not suitable for Eva but...Mother has faith you're more powerful than the rest of us." the doll says with an unsettling smile, a woman screaming her name from a distant hall makes both of us jump in our skin, "oh-...Goodbye Karl. I cant wait to see where you end up!" she says and runs off.

I watch as she runs out of the room, then relax my muscles. "What the fuck is happening."

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