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small update :)

ik surprisingly some of yall wanted an update but i just got a new doggy and hes a hassle so its a little late anywayy :) a unfinished chapt...for now

(finished now! thanks for understanding guys)
lets get you fixed up

    "Let me take a look at that." i say, holding Ethan's hand in mine and unwrapping his bandages on his missing fingers, his voice hitched as i unwrapped the last layer and i looked up at him. "Its gonna hurt, i know." he grumbles to me as he winces, i sigh and proceed to clean it off with alcohol and some of ethan's medicine he had in his pocket. As i clean the area around the wound i begin a conversation hoping to take his mind off the pain. "You know, i really am shocked how well you've done during your time here...for just a man you're rather-...strong." i mention and he shakes his head, "i suppose." is all he manages to get out as i place the metal fingers i had created for him into his skin, implanting it into him with even more pain. "easy..." i calm him as he goes pale from the feeling, biting onto his other knuckle and wincing with tears in his eyes.

    "Fuck!" he yells once its all over and i pour more medicine on it to heal. He stares at his hand now, his other gripping his wrist in shock and pain. He bites onto his lip and looks up at me. "Easy, dragoste." i mumble to him with a smug face and placing a heavy yet comforting hand on his shoulder, Ethan freezes and its like something flips in his head for a moment. His eyes change from anger and pain into completely distraught and taking all that had happened finally in. Tears roll down his cheeks as i awkwardly sit in front of him unknowing of how to comfort the man who originally planned to kill me, i settle on squeezing slightly onto his shoulder and dropping my smug look as he slumps over and sobs into his hands.

"i just wan....want rose." he sobs heavily, i freeze and pull my hand away awkwardly starting at him infront of me. now what the fuck am i supposed to do here? I sigh as he begins to control his sobs, wiping tears away while simultaneously getting dirt and blood on it. "Ethan, i...please." i begin to say off the top of my head, placing a hand back on his back, slowly rubbing it. "I'm- we are going to get that kid and kill that bitch once and for all." i tell him while looking him in the eyes. He stares at me questioning yet comforted. "What if i don't make it?" he says to me and suddenly the feeling of dreadful understanding bursted inside of me, "it's not an option." i answer and pull him to his feet from the chair, he wiped away his tears as i dragged him out of the room and into the elevator heading down to find my captor mother.

As we arrive outside shes already there at the ready. my sights locked onto that monster. I've thought of this day for long enough. "My son...how could you do this to your Mother?" she said tauntingly, causing my anger to boil over and charge metal scraps in her direction, only a few hitting but only lightly injuring her, "Fuck you!" ethan yells as he angrily shoots at her with a shotgun, she screams as an injured wretch upon the world. She uses her megamycete powers to slice us and throw us on our feet. "You should've been killed when i found you! You absolute traitor! you were my son..." She yells at me, i yell as i pierce a sensitive area in her chest with metal, impaling her and sending her back a bit. "Give me rose! as if eva even wants you anyway! piece of shit!" i scream at her and she swipes me over with her powers and holds me to the ground, her hand placed on my chest. "You were a fine project, its such a shame you had to go to waste really." she says, ethan shooting her in the back yet she uses the megamycete as a wall. The woman reaches into my chest and starts to get somewhere until Chris and the rest of the alpha team shooting her with military grade weapons.

she falters as her powers grow weaker and weaker, forcing herself to create a consistent wall around herself from the shooting. Soon however, she releases it out of being too weak and takes on the incoming fire. "Ethan, such a shame you'll never see her. she's beautiful." she says to him and i watch from the ground, blood gushing out of my wounds and as soon as i realize that, my vision goes black and i'm instantly unconscious. However, i wake up to being pulled by a military looking man as he shoots at miranda. i quickly black out once more, and soon ethan is applying pressure to my chest with a piece of fabric. "Come on...please...you need to- to save her..." he cries into me and my eyes open wider. "yes. thats it-! fuck..." he says and his hands start to go black and the tips turn to ash. "Karl. raise her." his eyes beg me and i grip onto his bicep in a last ditch effort to keep him close, but by the time i connect the dots he is already gone just the same as miranda.

    I grip onto my chest and lean up agains a scrap of metal and stare at his crystalized self. I pick it up: a crystal of his molded head.

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