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its fine, its gonna be just fine.

    My body aches as it readjusts to the foreign item placed inside. My incision and gunshot wound however are healed up alright, i'm physically capable just unaware of what exactly was put inside of me. All i know is that my head is fucking banging cause they only give me food and water once a day. I'm getting closer to being free though, i've healed well and the woman...Mother Miranda has set up a place for me after all of this. I might escape this cell, at the moment thats all i care about.

    At this point i've met all the others, only three but still its comforting knowing i have others going through similar things. I just have to recover and then Mother will let me out. It's fine, it's fine. She says i've got abilities now, i just need to learn how to use them but she says she'll allow me to do that on my own time. As for now i just need to focus on keeping her word not to cause any commotion.

    Soon as i sit in the corner of my cell up against the cold stone wall, i hear the door creak and open my eyes. The hypoglycemia and possible food poisoning getting to me causing me to have vertigo and headaches, "who's there...." i ask exhausted, soon being pulled up to my feet but barely being able to hold myself up on my own, the woman dragging me out of my cell. "Why my sweet boy, It's time." Miranda says and my eyes can barely make out whats in front of me, only able to understand where my feet need to go. And soon, i'm sat in a dining chair with the three other lords as i've come to learn.

    "Today we are introducing a new member to the family!" Mother Miranda says at the head of the table, i look around myself and notice Donna, Alcina, and Moreau all at the table as well. "He has survived the test better than any of you have prior, and so, he is getting his own land just as all of you have today." Mother says and walks towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "First we shall eat" She orders and i stare down at the food in front of me, nervous to eat it until i watched as someone else did. As i saw Alcina eat i followed in pursuit, eating as much as i could and drinking as much as i could till i felt coherent enough.

    Soon as we were finished, and everyone stopped their conversations Mother decided to pull me aside, "Come, i have to give you your home." She states and i stand and follow her, this time on my own. She smiles at me and leads me to a run down factory on a hill. "You're a mechanic, so i will proceed to put you in charge of building me and the family weapons to protect ourselves. Go." she orders, and i nod in assurance. "Okay." i say and start walking towards my new home, simply thankful it wasn't a molded cell. I don't know what i was doing, but i followed her orders out of fear.

    When i arrived through the front gates i stared and watched as lycans roamed the premises, although they didn't attack me this time, no. This time they followed me.
I noticed their behavior and walked into the doors following the hallways to a big elevator, and going into each room and floor to see what was exactly left in this place. I stumbled upon a scrap pile, sitting on a cliff and immediately wondering what exactly she expected of me to do with this crap. I mean, its not like i can do anything with it; its junk.

    I sighed frustrated with my own mind, looking down at the scrap things i suddenly jump down and dig through all the different objects, firstly finding a small scale with a hook on it and then being shocked, finding a nazi dog tag in the rubble. "Huh, ain't that ironic." i mumble to myself and put the two things in my coat pocket. I scrounge around in the scrap piles and find old gears rusted but still together, i gather them up and climb my way up to the ledge i was sat at. As i climbed my way up i dropped a few scrap pieces and jump, going to grab them but suddenly realizing they were fucking floating out in front of my hand.

    "what the-..." I'm utterly shocked, I think of a different space they should move to and the just go like that. It's fucking crazy. "well this is much easier....wait- could i..." i speak to myself, thinking of making a metal staircase and it immediately happens. I walk up it and towards the forge. Soon, melting metal and placing the molten metal into molds by my own imagination. I got the hang of my own little powers fast, leading to me building myself my own weapon. I melted together some hefty metals and forged them together nicely creating a hammer practically the size of me, yet one i could still carry to the best of my ability. "hm..." i say picking it up, swinging it at a table and breaking it in half with only a grunt. "damn!" i exclaim and go off to tinker with other things.

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