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do you know what the fuck its like being me?

    "Well, Well." i say and step out to where Mr. Winters is standing, him ready to pull that lever. he stand and stares at me in shock. "didn't think anyone was left!" i say enthusiastically, my hammer slung behind my shoulder as i smoke my cigar and walk up to him. he stands, dumbfounded at my presence still, watching as the metal hovering around me moves to follow me. "You must be pretty tough, huh?" i say and throw my cigar out on the ground, smashing it with my boot.

    Winters' face contorts at me angrily, "Who the fuck are you?" he spits, and my head perks up to him. "Oh! you're not local...even better." i say with a snarky smile prior to shooting a metal pipe into his abdomen, making him falter to the ground yet still miraculously alive as he grips onto the pipe in his stomach, i cover him in shards of metal and state "Mother Miranda's gonna love you." i smile and laugh, looking at his face underneath all that metal before covering it with more. I place cuffs on him and a chain, carrying him through the castle and up to the meeting room with Mother, Alcina, Donna and Angie, and Moreau.

    I hear him grunt awake, turning to him to make sure he was still somehow alive. "Quit your whining, we're almost there!" i say and proceed to carry him up the tunnel. I pull him through to an opening and place him down, still in his cuffs. "Oh, look what the man-dick dragged in." Alcina huffed at me and i looked up at her, "Shut the fuck up! This mother-fucker's been killing off all the god damn lycans! You should be thanking me." i cursed at her, Angie taking a special interest in the man, watching him and inspecting him. Moreau simply stood in silence observing him. "Nice catch, bother." he says to me and i nod.

    Mother walks into the room and observes him, "very nice my son, you can do as you please with him." She states and Alcina objects, "Mother, me and my daughters could much use the fresh blood you know. We would have a much better use out of him rather than throwing him away to Heisenberg." she stated, i stared her down and as i got ready to say something Angie giggled ecstatically, "GET OUT OF THE WAY UGLY!" her creepy-ass voice rang through my ears catching my attention, she giggled again after saying something else, i leaned up and caught a glimpse of the man waking up. "he's awakee" Angie said annoyingly, sending me to burst. "Angie shut the fuck up!" i yell and she jumps, both her and Moreau walking off.

   "So, you mean you'll screw around with him in private. wheres the fun in that? Give him to me and i'll put on a show everybody can enjoy." I propose to Mother, Alcina already objecting. "Oh! so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? the man-thing's suffering is assured." she says and i groan, "yak-yak, the man's dick is cut off in your castle blah blah..." i say making Moreau chuckle, The room going silent for a moment before Mirandas presence is known. "I've heard all your arguments, some of you were less persuasive than others but...i've made my decision." she says and i lean forward with a sigh, "heisenberg." she points to me and i look up at her, "the fate of the man is in your hands."


    The next encounter i have with the man is after each and every one of them are dead. He finally had arrived to my factory, and after all was said and done i had finally got him right where i wanted him. I stand behind him smoking my cigar and watching as he swipes away the small piece of fabric, observing the clue board and mentioning names. "Truth hurts, don't it Ethan?" i say clearly startling him, sending him to whip around and point his pistol at me. i take another hit off my cigar and sigh. "Let me guess. You're thinking: take me out like the others and then you get to go...save Rose, right?" i mention and notice how he lowers his gun.

    "I'm healing my daughter!" he snarks back a reply and i sigh, "l-look you've got this all wrong..." i say and hear that damn propeller start up from the basement, "damnit..." i mumble, turning to look down the crate in the floor. i look at ethan then back at the noise and stomp towards it in annoyance, lifting the bars i yell, "Shut your fucking hole!" down at the propeller, awkwardly standing straight up again and facing ethan. "sorry about that..." i say slightly embarrassed at my short temper. i grab a chair and place it down, "take a seat, papa." i say gently and walk over to my desk, smoking my cigar. "Listen Ethan, you're being played..." i start and then turn around to notice he hadn't sat down. i throw a knife at the board and grab his neck, pushing him into his seat. "I SAID SIT!" i growl out at him and he grunts as he's pushed into it. i back away and sigh.

    "Lady super-sized bitch. Crazy ass psycho doll...and that moronic freak." i say, stabbing images of them with the knife i had thrown previously. "don't you get it? its all a test. to see if you're strong enough for Miranda's family." i say and Ethan scoffs, "i don't want to be apart of her family." he says angrily, and i laugh in annoyance, "WELL NEITHER DID I!" i yell frustrated, "Do you fucking understand me? what it's like to be fucked with until your body doesn't feel like your own? I was just a damn kid, just like your little rosie." I say in disgust, my eyes swelling with tears yet i push them down. its the first time in a while i could even talk about it, yet i compose myself and continue with the proposal. "what do you say? Me and you ethan." I offer him, his eyes go wide at the thought and realization i was on his side this entire time. He blinks a few times, then looks up at me in confusion. "What's the catch?" he asks and i shake my head. "nothing. i just...i want out of this hell-hole just like you Winters." i pout and he just looks at me, "Ethan, I just want out. I've been stuck here for fucking ages-" I ramble on and i realize i'm talking over him. "Fuck! I said okay!" he yells back over me and i freeze in my place.

I cock my head sideways, inspecting what i had just heard. "And you're not going to....kill me?" i ask and he nods, "unless you try to kill someone i love, then the deal's off." he answers and i breathe out heavily, "Well then, Ethan..." i say still shocked it worked, i pull him up by his bandaged hand "Let's get to work."

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