The ptime where i almost murded my hyung

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(Taehyun's POV)
I am here early. I have to be or else I will be pissed.

"Sorry I dragged u here earlier than I thought Beomgyu." I say

"You know what? It's better than being here 3 hours before the time we are supposed to meet. That happened to you once"

"Yeah.... wait how do u know?" I ask

"I have my ways..." he says and looks at me
"Yeonjun hyung said it" he says to me

"I have an excuse!" I say

"Mhmm! Sure" he replies

"Soobin wanted to be early to the party, since he likes Yeonjun! We have very different definitions of early, and-" u put my hand over my mouth and I can see Beomgyu smirking

"U heard nothing!" I say pointing to him

"I'm sure I did"

"No, no I don't think so-"

"Well I know what I heard"

"Oh yeah! Then what did I say"

"That your hyung likes my hyung!" He says as I look down. He grabs my chin and make me look at him

"I promise i won't tell soobin!" He says to me

"It's not about that! I-I made a promise to him, and I broke it! I know it's not that big of a deal but he is my favorite hyung ever! I feel like I just betrayed him!" I say

"It's one slip up! It happens all the time! To me at least" he says and looks away

I grab his hands

"Hey, you can talk to me! Or say nothing at all!" I say trying to help him even tho I'm the one who usually needs it.

"I'm- the screw up of my family" he says bursting into tears and I just hug him "I-I.... my family has always been slayers. They taught us when we were kids. My father never wanted kids. Not when my brother was born. My mom said it was a good idea to keep him , as it was her child and her body. Also to start a new generation of slayers. My father hated the idea, but knew she was right. Having my mother be pregnant again was almost the last straw. I-It was me who was born this time. My mom was the one who took care of us. My dad never gave a shit about us. Only that we were above average when it came to fighting. Then I saw my brother with jungkook hyung. He told me that they were dating and he was open about it. I thought that my parents knew.... but no. My dad is homophobic, but I didn't know that until after I said something about my brother being gay. He left us that night. My brother was 16 and I was only 10. My brother was happy that he left but.... mother wasn't. She knew how badly she wanted to get rid of him sometimes but, she couldn't do that to us. He was the one thing that we relied on.... because we could survive on our own. 18 was the legal age of becoming a slayer. Mom had to work extra and so did my brother. It wasn't as good pay as slayer but we managed. But it still hurts to think it was my fault of our pain. That it was my fault that my dad left. And my mom p-passed away during that time. So not only did I have this guilt but more sadness because of her death" he said all while sobbing

"Beomgyu, I'm so sorry!" I say still hugging him

He looks up at me



"It's Beomgyu hyung to you!" He says

"Do u want the monster loving kid to call u hyung" I say letting go of him

All I can see is confusion in his feelings. A mix between a happy type feeling because of the joke and a serious type of feeling. Maybe he didn't find it as a joke and I made this worse

"U-umm.... do u want a drink?" I ask but there is still a lot of tension

"Expresso. Please" he says

I get myself a chai latte

I wait for it to be done and once they both are I go back to the table

"Here u go!"

"Thanks" he says and starts drinking

I grab out my book from my bag

"Are u seriously reading?" I can hear him ask
I just nod sippin my tea


"What is the book about" I don't reply
"Monsters" he asks and I nod

"Why do u have such a fascination with monsters? They kill innocents"

"So do slayers"

"They are cruel"

"So all slayers are cruel?"

"What do slayers have to do with this"

"Beomgyu! You can't be saying shit like this! You can't say monsters kill innocent! U know why? Monsters have to be slayed and some are innocent! What u are saying is bullshit and is discrimination!" I say and he looks down

He feels ashamed but another emotion that is hard to describe but I feel it to

When someone is correct but u are in between the choices

"I'm- sorry" he says

"It's fine! At least you know now!" I say

"What time is it?" He asks me

"Umm- oh it's 5!"

"Great but where are the others" he asks and I shrug


Felix and hyunjin are right on time they come over to sit by us

"Where is Yeonjun? And soobin? And Kai?" Felix asks

"Idk but I'm close to murdering him if he is t here in 30 minute" I say

We get more drinks talk about school and then

A 45 minute late Choi Yeonjun


TAEGYU Can't we just keep the monster alive?Where stories live. Discover now