Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup

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'Aria?' Zane called the small woman's name, seeing that though she had stopped crying was not reacting in any way.

Some seconds had passed, but Aria appeared frozen stiff. Even her red tinged lips had remained slightly opened, just as they were when he had kissed them. Although this sight of them was causing him the urge to steal another kiss from her, as her defenseless state was perfect for a second attack, Zane was not one to take advantage of the situation. 

Alright, maybe he was... but still he wouldn't exaggerate in his actions, lest she put up her guard regarding him. He had barely managed to convince her to sleep on the same bed, what if she strongly opposed it afterwards fearing him. She could already be wary of him, because of that woman, he did not want her to distance herself even more.

'Aria?' Zane called again, trying to not stare any longer to the rather plump lips that felt too inviting for his comfort.

'Hiccup!' Aria hiccupped uncontrollably. Dazedly she could not process just what had happened, as she was also staring at Zane's lips.

'Hiccup!' The small woman hiccupped again. Those lips had just been on her own just some seconds ago, she thought. With the realization hitting her mind coupled with the still lingering memory of his touch on her lips, her face flushed even more. This was her first kiss ever, and to lose it unexpectedly... she did not know what to make of the matter.

Zane was her husband, it was true she could not rebuke him in anyway because of his actions, but still was she supposed to say something because of it? And more importantly, was it normal that she was not bothered by his action? 

She never had a boyfriend before, but reading many romance novels, she had still formed an ideal of a perfect man, and Zane although absolutely handsome was miles apart from that ideal. A warm playful personality, an older brother next door type of guy... were not the kind of characteristics she could attribute to Zane's personality. 

Stern, expressionless, somber, mature were more fitting for him, though she would have to admit that he was quite attentive to her, and unexpectedly underneath his aloof expression there hid a caring man. She could not deny that to find the warmness beneath his usual cold expression it made her feel special, a fact that would not happen with a warm hearted person, as that kind of a person would act warm to anyone. A cold person would most likely behave  warm and kind for only a few selected people, so she found this part of his quite attractive.

Wait, why was she comparing her ideal man with Zane? Aria questioned herself, this was not the right time for that. No, no, there was never a right time to compare the two, because she wasn't supposed to compare them. 


Zane could see Aria's interesting changes in expression, as she went from pale to a red face, and a confused one also. He had waited for some seconds, but as she did not show any inclination to answer him, he spoke again.

'You know the best way to stop a hiccup is to surprise you? Should I kiss you again?' He teasingly asked, as the small woman finally looked him in the eyes.

'I-I can drink some water! Hiccup!' She finally replied, her attention undoubtedly caught by the word kiss.

'Are you sure? It's not a problem for me. I will be glad to help.' Zane continued with his tease, happy that her face had gotten some healthy color on it. He truly did not like her pale face at all, as it was a sign she was not well. He especially did not like such a face on her caused by him. 

'I-I am sure!' She immediately confirmed, nodding her head repeatedly to strengthen her words.

With a small helpless smile on his face, a bit downcast because of her quick denial, but also a bit amused by it, he finally complied and proceeded to help Aria drink some water.

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