Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer

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Twenty five years earlier

Darren Langdon, the second son of the old master Langdon of the branch family, was born under a lucky star, most would think.

Although he was a second son, and normally wouldn't inherit his family's fortune, he was still the only legitimate son of his father and naturally the only one able to succeed him.

No one would have ever considered William Monroe, who was the older brother, as qualified to become the heir, not even by a long shot. This sentiment and firm belief was also held by Darren Langdon himself.

After all, he was the one who possessed his father's last name, the one who had followed his footsteps by becoming a lawyer, and the one everyone recognized as legitimate. Not to mention, he was also one of the few qualified people to talk on equal footing with the most important people of his generation... Eliza Langdon, the daughter of the main family, and Victoria Black, the heir to the Black family's fortune.

At one point, he had even thought he could be the one to realize both families' wish by tying the knot with Victoria Black. Though this had never come about, as his father had not approved of the matter when he had vaguely implied it.

Well, it had really been a disappointment happening in his blemish free achievements, but as the heir to the branch family, he had quickly overcome such a sentiment. After all, if he were to become Victoria's husband, it would be uncertain if he could establish himself as the head of their family, especially with her strong unbending personality. Becoming the leader of the branch family, was still the better option.

Other than that fact, his life could really be said to be the best, absolutely no small or big blocks obstructing his path in life.

So then imagine his disbelief, when his father had died and his will was read.

Solemn and with a tinge of sadness shadowing his red rimmed eyes, he waited with his wife for his father's last words to be read by the lawyer. Together with them were also several other relatives including his brother, William Monroe, who for some reason had been invited to the reading of the will. A brother he was at most cordial with, keeping a public courtesy to increase even more his magnanimity and superiority in the eyes of the general crowd... well it wasn't a problem, it was the last time to see him anyway.

With him about to be announced as the new owner, he could show his kindness again. From the following day afterwards, there was no more need to.

This was his thought... so how come the name of this brother had exited the lawyer's mouth as the latter was about to announce the branch's family heir?

His shock and flabbergast then had reached an all time height, while no words were able to leave his mouth. Snapping out of his thoughts, as the other relatives congratulated the new owner, Darren Langdon had wanted to immediately contradict the will's legitimacy, when he was instantly reminded of his foolishness.

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