~ Drunk From The Bar ~

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YES I know I'm bad at Titles/Names-

Espresso x Madeleine!

And thank you for the two votes on two other one-shots I made :D

Also in this One-shot Madeleine and Espresso aren't together yet! Unlike the two other ones I did with them, so keep that in mind :)


Espresso was working in his laboratory, trying to figure out a recipe that Latte had recommended to him. It was beginning to get difficult though, and Espresso frowned. At least he didn't have that Madeleine bothering him. Okay.. well, he'd admit to himself that sometimes Madeleine didn't bother him as much. He had even grown to like the knight a little more then he had, though he would never actually admit it to anyone. He grumbled, pushing his glasses up a bit.

It was late at night, about midnight, but that wouldn't stop him from still trying. Besides, he was able to stay up for a long time without sleep, and he was always fine. Although Madeleine was always worried about him when he did that, and it was sort of adorable to Espresso- No! What was he thinking? He sighed, his head falling on his desk in front of him. He had been having those thoughts for a while, he didn't get it! Why did he keep thinking that? It wasn't like he- no, no more talking about it. Surely that would get it off his mind.

Espresso jumped, suddenly hearing a sort of knock at the door. However it didn't sound like a knock, more like someone just bumping against the door. He looked up in confusion, wondering who would be up at this time. Then he heard a voice, and he realized who it was.

"Helloo Espressooo? Are you-" There was a hiccup "In there?" Madeleine was speaking from outside the door, and Espresso stared at the door for a moment. He grumbled again, as if he wasn't already annoyed. He got up, wondering why the knight was up this late anyways, and what had happened for him to be talking like that? Well Espresso had one idea, but he severely doubted it. He walked over to the door, and opened it. Madeleine was leaning against the doorway as if trying to keep himself standing, and he was still having a hard time standing. He had a sort of dizzy look in his eyes, but he was also having a silly grin on his face. Espresso frowned.

"Madeleine, did you get drunk?" Espresso had a disbelieving voice, not ever thinking that the commander knight would've gotten drunk. He never would've guessed that to be something that Madeleine would do. Espresso frowned when Madeleine just laughed giddily.

"Pfft Whatcha mean..? I would never ever get drunk." Madeleine hiccupped again, obviously he was drunk. Had he gone to Sparkling's bar? Why would he do that? Espresso frowned, getting startled when Madeleine suddenly stumbled forward from leaning against the doorway. Espresso instinctively caught the him, trying to steady the night. Madeleine was basically putting his whole weight against Espresso, and Espresso was blushing slightly, though he wouldn't admit it. He lifted Madeleine back up, and Madeleine giggled.

"Hehe, your face is kinda..." Madeleine trailed off, looking at Espresso's eyes and squinting as if he was trying to find a word for it. Espresso waved him off, but then looked up at Madeleine. He might ask Sparkling what Madeleine had been doing at the bar, but that was for later. Espresso was considering his options on what to do with the drunk knight, before he sighed.

"Come on, I'll get you to your house. It's right by here anyways." Espresso said this, taking Madeleine's arm and slinging it around his shoulder as he helped Madeleine stand. Madeleine was taller then him though, so it was slightly difficult. He managed, and began to walk with the knight while holding him up. Madeleine would let out slurred words and giggle from time to time, some of his talking being interrupted by hiccups. Madeleine suddenly leaned on Espresso a bit, which made Espresso blush once more. This really wasn't helping with the thoughts he had earlier about Madeleine being cute. No- no! He wasn't going to think about that now.

After not that long later they reached Madeleine's house, and Espresso looked up at Madeleine, who had a dazed look in his eyes as he struggled to focus.

"Where do you keep a spare key?" Espresso asked Madeleine this, and it took a while before the knight realized what he had been asked. He mumbled in slurred speech, but then pointed at the rug. Espresso nodded before letting go of Madeleine for a second to look under the rug. There was a shiny gold key under there, and Espresso grabbed it. He then unlocked the door, and quickly took Madeleine's hand to keep him from falling over. Espresso still couldn't believe it, how could THE commander knight get drunk??? He shook his head, but led Madeleine inside. He then walked up the stairs to the bedroom, but stopped at another giggle from Madeleine.

"Pfftt, we're holding handssss~" Madeleine's voice already showed his silly grin, and Espresso looked down. Sure enough he had forgotten that he had grabbed Madeleine's hand to lead him in the house. Espresso blushed again, and he shook it off, mumbling for Madeleine to be quiet. He slung Madeleine's arm over his shoulder instead, and walked into the bedroom of the house. Once he was over at the bed, he carefully found a way to sit Madeleine on the bed. Madeleine leaned back, falling on the bed. The knight almost immediately fell asleep, and Espresso mumbled before walking back over. He... could help Madeleine. Just once. Espresso carefully picked Madeleine up, and brought him over to the pillows so he was actually laying down on them instead of just the side of the bed. He then pulled the covers back and then put them over Madeleine. That should be good.

Espresso stared at Madeleine, before sighing. The knight could be so silly, but Espresso kind of liked it. However he would probably never admit it. He exited the house, but had a strange sad feeling, as if he missed Madeleine. He ignored it, walking back to his house. Little did he know he had grown to have feelings for Madeleine over the years that they had known each other.

A/N: Hi! :D I hope this was good, I was kind of nervous about writing Madeleine being drunk, I've never wrote someone being drunk so I hope it's good! Also don't be afraid to comment on my stories, I would really appreciate the feedback and I want to know if you're enjoying my stories! This one had 1068 words. Also be prepared because I have two one shot ideas that are both Espresseleine, so I hope you guys don't mind that those two stories might be the ones coming up. One of them may even have two parts :D

Also something else, what are your guy's thoughts on why Madeleine was at the bar? Jus wondering, also I'll probably be able to answer any comments so yeah :D

Anyways have a good day/night!

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