«🦋» ──────» Interview (Drkanu)

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Taken by - nerd_positive..

Author - DrKanu

Achievement - 1st place in mythology genre


Nerdy: Good evening! I am one of the interviewers from the Kuru family. Are you ready for your interview?

Kanu: Good evening to you too. I'm ready and excited.

Nerdy: Great then! My first request to you is, introduce yourself to the readers.

Kanu: Well in these times I often forget who I am but I'll try. I'm Kanu, an introvert living her life among books. For now, those are subject books rather than novels. I am a big time foodie and full time procrastinator. I guess that's all about myself.

Nerdy: Procrastination is one of the vice that is commonly seen these days. As a writer, how do you think this has affected your writing?

Kanu: Well, I'll not lie that it does effects my writing. At times I feel like writing, I have the plot in mind and even the dialogues but my laziness and the thought that I've the entire day often lands me in trouble. This is also the reason for my late updates at times. Though I try to do things but can't.

Nerdy: Indeed a problem to be dealt with, I suppose this must not be the only one. Do tell our readers what other problems are you currently facing while writing this book?

Kanu: I'll be very honest, I've faced many problems while writing this book. First will be portrayal of emotions. The story is set in a timeline where the thinking of the characters was very different. No matter how much we try, it becomes very difficult to think from their perspective and I really didn't want to spoil the essence of the characters.

Another thing was the information. The personas my book deals with characters which are not really touched or are not really known. So whenever I write something, next time I find something that could've been added in the previous part which degrades my story to a certain extent.

The characters are really unknown and hence it gets difficult to weave a story with information that is found in bits and pieces.

Nerdy: Tough task, indeed I would agree with this. Have you ever felt that few scenes you wrote glorified the character way too much which you didn't want but was necessary for your plot?

Kanu: Well, all the characters that my book deals with are gray. They are neither negative nor positive. I just try to portray the scene and leave it upon the readers to decide whether the decision of the character is right or wrong. And I feel that the book is still in it's initial stage to really develop a fixed image of a character. So I just write what I feel like and then leave the interpretation to the readers.

Nerdy: Talking about the current status of the book, what have you planned regarding this book? I mean an appropriate number of chapters you want this book to have or the time this book would require to reach it's end.

Kanu: To be very honest, I am really bad at estimating the number of chapters. For example take my book Awakened, I initially decided it would just be one book with 50 chapters. But now, it's 4 books. So I don't think I can predict the number of chapters but if someone still asks, I guess the book shall not exceed 40 to 50 chapters. That's all I guess.

Nerdy: 50 chapters are a lot I must say but when it comes to our epics I would agree on this one point. This would be hard. What part would you like to highlight the most in your book as giving every part equal light would be extremely difficult thing to do?

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