Chapter 2 | Civilization

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The group have been moving through the forest for about 3 days

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The group have been moving through the forest for about 3 days. They have made great progress and can vividly see the structure, which was identified as some sort of castle. The castle looked like it pulled up from the depths of hell itself. It was made up of a stone that was entirely black, detailed with a pink wood for the tower and rampart tops. Blue fire braziers surrounded the outer walls of the fortification and decorated the eerily slim towers. There was also a very noticeable cage around hanging from a bridge that connected the two tallest towers.

This, however, didn't deter the adventures, but made them wonder more about the origins of this landmark. During the entire trip, they have been conjuring up a million theories about how the castle came to be, and if there were any inhabitants still occupying the castle. As they were walking, they spotted smoke pillars rising above the canopy. They prepared for trouble, as the last people they interacted with weren't the best hosts.

They left that base when all of the people there had somehow had their heads disconnected from their bodies. How strange.

As they began to approach the settlement, they first made a plan. Rallebon would walk in first and pretend to be a lonely traveler looking for a place to rest. The rest would watch over her and if the people were deemed safe, would also enter the village. If they proved to be dangerous, they would be quickly dispatched. The team then broke up into the two groups and separated, Rallebon gave most of her supplies to the others as they hastily made a temporary camp near the town.

"Alright, wish me luck." Rallebon said as she got up to leave. Rallebon packed light, as she tried to look like she was harmless, but she hid Gelatin's short sword in her outfit. Just in case. Other than that, she just packed the base necessities that any traveler would carry. A few tools, food and a roll out bed.

"Remember that we will be watching you at all times, so if you feel something is off, just give us this signal." Morpheon said as she demonstrated a pattern of body movements that she concocted on the spot.

"Why don't I just yell if I think I'm in trouble?"

"That would give away the element of surprise." Gelatin said before Morpheon said anything. "If these guys are bad news, we would need every advantage we could get. Yelling would also startle them and they might start running."

"Why should we care if they run?" Rallebon asked.

"Anyone who tries to take advantage of people who just pass through, don't deserve to live." Gelatin said as if it was common knowledge. 

Morpheon and Rallebon exchanged glances. They both knew that wiped out the last group of people that they encountered, but they were asleep while it happened. They tried to question Gelatin what happened, as they saw the aftermath of the slaughter, but he refused to answer a single one of them.

After an awkward silence, Rallebon left to enter the town. The other two geared up and left soon after.


I know this is a lot shorter, but I think this is a good place to stop. Mainly because I want the actual village part to be quite long, so I might even have to split it up into two parts 

=) Have a wonderful day!

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