✼green guardians✼

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The next morning when they woke up Sylvia's phone was blown up with messages from Axel. She checked them, somewhat amused.

dude wtf just happened?
why did clay-
were you fucking?
that's disgusting 
why would you answer the call if you were
what the hell just happened
dude fucking answer me
no shot


were you two, yknow...


don't lie pls

In my defense i didn't answer the call

nah cause wtf

Dude I dunno, i thought you couldn't really hear.

you were moaning, that's all i heard 


ngl i kinda liked you but now i see you're kinda a whore


dude you were probably getting off to the sound of two men talking to you
your fr nasty tf

I went out to eat with you as a friendly thing, sorry if you misinterpreted that

no no, I'm sure you just slut around with tons of guys
you seem like the type

Are you just mad that wasn't you?
That's sad ngl AHAHAHAHAH

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It was day 5 of Sylvia's trip, she was getting a bit sad that she would have to leave soon. Clay was training for MCC with Sylvia on stream. It was the first MCC in a while so he was getting excited. Sylvia had never done one but Scott had reached out to her a while back and asked if she would like too and she said yes. So now Clay was helping her because they were coming up soon and they were announcing teams today.

They got on to the practice maps and he went over each of them and gave her tips on how to do them easier. He warned her how all the maps got changed a bit and that he would have to familiarize himself with it for the first time again with her. Sylvia felt a bit better knowing that. She was no god at Minecraft but over the time she met Clay she had gotten better and was at least as good as Tubbo.

When they got through with training they were messing around talking about past MCC's. Sylvia decided to make a Tier list with Clay on the best players so she kinda knew a bit about the others.

"Okay to start of with, put Techno at the bottom," Clay laughed, "Fruit definitely a S tier, he is really good. Philza, Krinios, Punz, and Sapnap are easily A tier. No doubt. Put Tommy and George in B." 

She objected, "George at B? Nah nah sister, he is definitely  A."

"I think- Okay hear me out, George is B tier because he doesn't really try, y'know? If he was like using his full potential he would be A. Karl is E. Um, put Tubbo in B, wait no actually put him in C. Wilbur in C because again the full potential thing, like dude if Wilbur actually wanted to be he would be in the B's. Vikkstar, Puffy, and Shubble in C. Wisp, Tapl, and Captiansparkels are B's, I almost want to put Captian in S tier but I dunno. Fundy and Eret are D's. Quackity and Scott too. 

"WHAT! No Quackity, C tier. HE IS A SOLID C!" Sylvia yelled.

"First of all, no."

 "Quackity had gotten so much better Clay! Like actually I'm so proud of him."

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