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This was the second to last day in England, but it was the last full day. Sylvia had planned this with Tommy and Wilbur. It was the picnic. They decided to go to Pavilion Gardens to eat and pick up Chick-fil-A on the way. It seemed like a solid plan. 

Sylvia was hanging out in Opal's room with Niki and Jack. They were waiting for Opal to finish up dressing so they could leave.

"So Niki, how'd you sleep?" Sylvia asked while laying back on Opal's bed.

Niki joked, "With my eyes closed."

All of a sudden, a pillow clashed with her side. Sylvia was dying laughing at Niki's surprise. Jack grabbed a pillow and jumped Sylvia. 

"AHHHHH!" Sylvia yelled while shielding his swings.

She got a pillow in a split second she had and hit Jack back. Niki grabbed the pillow that had hit her before and swung it against him. He looked back in betrayal.

"Niki..." He sniffled.

A pillow hit his face. They all bursted out laughing.

Niki smiled, "I'm sorry, Jack, it had to be done."

"What are you all doing?" Opal said, coming out of the bathroom looking stunning.

"WOOAHH! OKAY, BABES!" Sylvia clapped to hype her up.

Opal twirled and did a curtsy. Niki got up to hug her and swung her around.

"Can I keep her?" Niki shook her up and down like she was a shake weight.

Sylvia giggled, "Not if you are going to shake her like a goddamn maraca."

Niki put her down and covered her mouth like she was about to laugh. 

Opal rested her head on Niki's shoulder, "I'm gonna miss you all."

"Yeah! Well, I won't. I am just so way beyond any other manliness. I would never cry." Jack crossed his arms.

Sylvia lightly poked him, and he pretended to cry. They bursted out laughing again. Tommy rushed into the room.


(a/n: so my younger cousins do this thing when they get excited, they will squat and then grab their pants. we were bowling and after they would rolled the ball they'd squat. I swear to god everytime they did they would get like a strike or a spare. I called it the tactical squating. I'm just letting you know because it's kind of a inside joke I will be using.)

"What the hell is that? Are you tactical squating?" Sylvia quipped while stifling a laugh.

"Yes! How'd you know?" He put his fists up, "Fight me bitch."

She got up, and Tommy went to punch lightly, and she blocked it. Sylvia grabbed his fist and turned it.



She let go, and he fell to the ground.

"Just killed a child. Feeling good." Sylvia brushed herself off.


They were at the park and sitting on the gingham patterned blanket. Clay and Sylvia found a spot next to each other while Tommy and Opal did the same. The mood was a bit depressing, knowing that this was their last day together. Tommy was definitely not as cheery.

Nick was passing out the food, making sure to get everyone's correct. He gave Sylvia hers last and sat near the couple. 

"So, you guys wanna play a game or something?" Sylvia hummed.

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