Chapter Five

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Day 12 at Hope's Peak

Dear Diary, it's now Friday the 30th which marks my 5th day at Hope's Peak! I've become really good friends with Aoi, Mukuro, and Byakuya. Well idk if Byakuya considers me a friend but we like to talk so I think he's my friend. I need to see if he'll be rude to me like he did to Aoi in the hall. But other than that class has been easy (except for math) and they kinda just let us do whatever three days a week- ANYWAY i've gotta go bye!

You sit up from your bed, put the journal away, and get ready for the day. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday they let you do "Ultimate training" which really means hang out and work on your ultimate however you'd like. Since Today was Friday, you thought you'd go for a walk or something, maybe go home and visit for a little bit.

You put on some nice stretchy pants and your (f/c) sweater (Inspired by what i'm wearing today)

You open your door and head down the dorm hallway and to the cafe for some breakfast.

Once at the cafe, you see a couple students there already. Yasahiro, Leon, and Sakura are scattered around the cafe doing their own thing so you decide to grab a small breakfast food and leave the building.

Once you started your walk towards your house, you got lost in thought while listening to your (f/s). As you hummed along and looked at the trees around you, you thought about school and your classmates. They were all amazing people who would go far in life. You saw that Makoto and Sayaka were getting close after reconnecting from middle school, which was really cute. Mukuro and Junko were together all the time, they have a great sister relationship.

Aoi and Sakura are best friends just after knowing each other for only a week.

It's crazy what going to a special school can do.

Sooner than expected you reach your house on the corner, you run across the lawn and knock on the door.

*Knock knock*

"I'M COMING" You hear from the inside of the house, still the same old mom. She opens the door and has a surprised look on her face when she realized it was you. "(Y/N)!!!"

"Hi mama!" You say, giving her a hug.

"What are you doing here??" She asks as you go inside.

"Well we kinda have today off so I thought I'd stop by." You explain.

"Kinda have today off?" She questions and you tell her about your schedule.

"Is dad here?" You ask.

"No he went off to work" Your dad was a firefighter. "They called him into an early shift."

"What about Zack is he here??"

"Hun- it's a school day-"

"Oh yeah-" You chuckle "I forgot"

"Sooooo we havent gotten to talk since you left! What's new??" Your mom asked, walking over to the kitchen.

"Nothing much, better friends with Aoi and Byakuya now!" You said sitting at the counter.

"That's good dear." Your mom made you both some hot coco and sat down with you at the counter. "Grades?" She asks.

"They are all good right now, but it's only been a couple weeks" You laugh.

"True true, better keep them up though. We didn't put you in this school for nothing did we?"

"No you didn't" You laugh dryly.

Crap! I'm almost failing math... i need to pass the test in order to get my grade up to a B..

"Hun?" You mom taps your shoulder

"O-oh what did you say?" You ask looking back up at her.

"I asked if you're coming home for thanksgiving break."

"Oh yeah definitely," You say, standing up. "I'm gonna head back to school now, ok?"

"Oh yeah sweetie," She stood up with you. "Have a great day!"

"You too, tell dad and Zack I love them." You said, walking out the door.

"I wil-" You cut your mom off as you shut the door.

Phew. You thought as you walked towards the road. If I had stayed she would have never stopped talking.

You made your way towards the road and then down the sidewalk. You decided to stop by a little park down the road from your house. You hadn't visited it since you were probably about 10.

Once there you started walking around the park, being too big to play on it of course, and you see a familiar blond head sitting on a bench facing away from you.

Perfect I can sneak up on him from here and scare him!

You start walking up towards Byakuya slowly, trying not to make too much noise, as it was fall.

Almost.... There... and-


"Ah shit!" You say falling on the ground behind the bench. All you see above you is Byakuya's stretched out arm where your neck used to be.

"(y/n)??" He asks getting up and walking over to you. "I'm sorry I didn't know who was sneaking up behind me."

"N-no it's fine-" You say, throat hurting. "It's my fault for sneaking up on you."

You sit up, laughing, and Byakuya helps you up. You laughing is contagious so he starts to chuckle with you. You both sit back down on the bench he was on moments before, no without you on the ground.

"Let's try that again." You laugh. "Hi Byakuya, what are you doing here?"

"Hello (y/n), I'm sitting peacefully in the park. What are you doing here?"

"Well I WAS trying to scare you but i just came from my house, visited my mom."

"That's nice, is she doing well?" He asks, turning to look towards the trees.

"Oh yeah she is. She's excited that i'm going to come stay with them for thanksgiving break."

There was silence

"What did you do today?" You ask

"I went to the library and then I came out here. I love this park. It let's me just think and relax."

You look over at Byakuya and realize that he isn't wearing his normal suit, just a pair of pants and a dark blue shirt.

You thought for a moment.

"Oh I need a favor."

"What?" He looks over at you

"So I- may be failing math- and I need your help for the big test coming up-"

He sighs and looks out again at the trees.

"Is that a no..?" You ask.

"Your dorm, next Saturday at 5 pm." He says not looking away from the trees.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you Byakuya you're the best!" You give him the best hug you could get while sitting on the bench.

Byakuya looked away for a second and then asked, "Want to get back to school?"

"Yeah we probably should"

"Ok then let's go." He stood up and then you stood up after him. You both started to walk towards Hope's peak.

I'm not gonna fail!! I'm so glad Byakuya's gonna tutor me. Wait- he was nice to me- he probably would have said no to aoi- i wonder why...


11/17- yeah it took me that long to write another chapter -w- but it's here and done!! I promise the next three chapters will actually be exciting so stick with me. Cya guys, gals, and non binary pals!

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