Sapnap - Stressed

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(Y/N takes care of sap after a stressful day of filming with Karl)

Y/N was traveling with Nick while he went and stayed with Karl. The two had basically moved into Clay's house and the three live there happily. Y/N helps with all the behind the scenes sort of stuff. She makes sure the lighting is good if Nick has his camera on, she runs the games, tests the cameras and computers to make sure they will run properly for when they start to film.

The couple were staying at Karl's place since he had the room. They basically had a whole corridor to themselves that no one went down. It was nice having their own privacy from other people in the house and just being able to wind down together at the end of the day.

This week she went with Nick to help behind the scenes and basically work as the crew with some of Karl's people. This day in particular she had noticed how Nick didn't really seem into the video. He was quiet and kept picking at his nails. Y/N watched from behind the camera wondering what was wrong.

Despite the clearly out of it Nick he tried to put on a good face and make the video entertaining. He was joking around with Karl and going along with what needed to be done. Y/N brought snacks and drinks during the filming since the lights shining on them was getting them warm and they needed to stay hydrated.

After what seemed like forever for Nick, Karl had finally said they were done filming for the day and that they could all relax. Karl said he'd order a pizza and that they could have dinner together. Nick just nodded, not wanting to show even more how he wasn't completely feeling the same energy as him.

Y/N Nick and Karl, along with some of Karl's friends, started to clean things up and put away lights and cameras. Y/N kept interrupting what Nick was doing to do it for him. He didn't fight her, she could completely tell something was wrong.

After cleaning up and they were done with dinner Y/N and Nick headed to their room. Nick stretched his arms above his head and sighed heavily when he sat on the bed. He rubbed his face and sat with his hands over his eyes for a moment.

Y/N sat next to him and rubbed his back. She could tell he was tired and stressed with the amount of videos he's had to film the last week.

"Come on let's take a nice bath" Y/N whispered to him kissing the side of his head. She stood up and went into the bathroom starting the water. While the tub filled she took her clothes off and put them in their suitcase with the rest of their dirty clothes. She stood in the doorway resting her hand against the frame.

"Nick..." Y/N said in a soft drawn out way. He looked up at her and smiled a little. His eyes scanned her body and he slowly stood up taking his clothes off while walking to that bathroom. He appreciated what she was doing to try to make him feel better.

By the time he got there and was fully undressed as well the tub was finished filling. Y/N turned the water off and sprinkled some bath salts in the water while Nick got in. She got in front of him after he fully sat down and leaned her back into his chest. She gently took his arms and wrapped them around his waist. She gently ran her nails up and down his arms to give him some chills and to enjoy the feeling. Nick sighed at her touch and closed his eyes, settling into the water. He let the warmth of the water relax his muscles and gave into Y/N's sweet touch.

Y/N smiled, feeling his body relaxing against her back. She licked her lips a little and gently moved herself forward a little and moved one her hands off of his and behind her. She started to gently run her hand up and down his stomach before going further down.

Nick sighed at her touch and smirked slightly. He knew what she was doing and he had no plan on stopping her. His eyes opened a little and he looked down at Y/N's hand, waiting patiently to get the relief of her hand. Y/N's hand moved all the way down and gently grasped Nick's still soft member. She grabbed it at the base and slowly began to move her hand up and down feeling him beginning to harden at her touch.

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