Sapnap - Gentle

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(Y/N's first time)

Nick and Y/N had been dating for 6 months now. This was Y/N's first serious relationship. She may be in college but she had never had sex. She was one of those people that didn't need sex to enjoy herself, but also just wanted to wait for the right time. She wasn't in any rush to lose her virginity. The couple had had many sleepovers and had some heated moments but Nick was always super respectful and would always back down if she wasn't comfortable.

Y/N was so supportive of Nick's whole internet fame. At this point she was basically helping him come up with all his videos and helping him with recording. They met at starbucks while Nick was struggling with some coding. Y/N overheard his frustration and came over asking if it was alright and she helped him fix it. From then they became friends and one thing led to another and Nick finally asked her out.

Tonight was their 6 months anniversary and Nick had a whole night prepared. He set up his bedroom with pillows and blankets to make it cozy, had a ton of different movies queued up to choose to watch, and all of their favorite snack foods. He even bought her a cute little promise ring that he was going to give her tonight.

He turned his LED lights on and turned the lamps off going to the front door of his apartment when he heard a knock. He swung it open and immediately engulfed her in a huge hug and kisses on the cheek. This always made Y/N blush and smile uncontrollably. She loved how affectionate he was.

"Happy 6 months babe" Nick smiled into her shoulder, still hugging her. Before she could say anything else he picked her up over his shoulder closing the front door.

Y/N just laughed and held onto his shirt afraid she would fall.

"Happy 6 months indeed." She laughed and looked around his apartment as he carried her up to his room holding her tightly, to make sure she wouldn't fall.

Y/N trusted Nick so much. He has never done her wrong and she doesn't believe he ever could. He really was a dream come true sort of boyfriend. She knew that he had had sex before but it didnt bother her. The couple had great communication and when he was a little overly excited in the downstairs region he would take care of it himself. He never suggested doing anything, always wanting her to be the one to make the first move when it came to it.

When Nick got to his room he closed the door so the only thing lighting up his room were the deep purple LED lights he had on. He walked to his bed and put her down on it, smiling down at her.

"Okay so I have some movies to choose from, snacks, candy and drinks. I got all my blankets and pillows so it's super cozy, then I figured after we could, if we're still hungry, order a pizza but first, I wanna give you your gift." Nick said all rushed. He was super excited. He had never felt this way about someone before so being able to make it what he hoped was perfect meant a lot to him. He walked over to his nightstand and pulled out a little basket from next to it. Inside there was a small sloth stuffed animal, flowers, and a small box. After handing it to her he gently sat next to her and took the box out of the basket.

"So I know we've only been together 6 months but, Y/N I am truly in love with you. You are literally the best person I've ever met" He chuckled softly, licking his lips, getting a little nervous.

"And I wanted to get you this, to show how much you mean to me and another representation of one day this being the real thing." He slowly opened the box showing the beautiful ring inside. Y/N gasped softly and a small smile formed on her face seeing the ring. Nick immediately started to sweat from her not saying anything.

Nick smiled nervously while watching Y/N waiting for some sort of answer. He licked his lips again nervously, starting to chew on his bottom lip slightly.

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