Luffy x Reader 🍋(Part-1)

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Welcome back my horny besties 😘
Can I just say THANK YOU for 23k reads ;-; I'm beyond grateful!
Y'all are the best and I LOVE reading all of your comments 😍 they always make me laugh! I try to reply to as many as I can bc I love interacting with you all.

Let's all just enjoy some more of our sexy captain Luffy 🛐
This will be rlly long. Also Daddy kink, if you're not into that I'm sorry 🥲 just trying something different.

Your POV:

Being a member of the straw hat crew, there was never a dull or boring moment. Everyday was always something different, whether it be being chased by marines or getting through a crazy storm or even fighting one of the 7 warlords.

It was more than you could've ever imagined. You've been a part of the crew for over 2 years and you couldn't believe how fast time went, being with all the people you love most.

With one in particular that you loved in a very different way, who you hoped may someday feel the same.

And that would be... Sanji. I'm just kidding 😋

It was none other than the gorgeous straw hat captain, Luffy.
What wasn't there to love about him? You really couldn't understand how people didn't see what you did.

Even if Luffy doesn't say it with words, you knew no one loved as hard as he did. Actions were all Luffy needed to show that. He does absolutely everything in his power to protect each of your crew members, including yourself of course.

You liked how he could still joke around and have fun like a kid, despite all the hard things he's been through. It was really amazing. You couldn't imagine a day without seeing his smile.

"Oi Y/N, are you listening?"
You're lightly tapped on the shoulder by a green haired man. None other than Zoro, also the man you'd say Luffy was closest to, being that he was the first member of his crew, despite being total opposite personalities. Yet the both had so much respect for each other.

"Huh? Oh yeah what's up?" You shake your head and meet his gaze.

"Everyone is hanging out on deck, come join us" he says, not exactly as a question.

This happened a lot. You'd be somewhere sitting by yourself, just zoned out in thought or taking a nap, much like the swordsman does.

The two of you were rather close actually. Zoro doesn't often join in with everyone else but when he does he always makes sure to come and get you. Knowing if he didn't drag you into the group you'd stay in your little bubble.

You sit there for a moment, not responding, still slightly lost in thoughts of your captain. Earning yet another tap on your shoulder.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Zoro asks in a calmer voice. One to show he cares and genuinely wants to make sure you're okay. Taking a seat beside you to make sure you know he's listening.

"Luffy" you mumble out quietly, without meaning to his name escaped your lips.

Zoro raised an eyebrow at you. A little surprised at your straightforward answer.

"Oh really? What's he done this time?" He questions, fully expecting that Luffy had probably eaten something that was yours.

You giggle a little at his question.
"No no it's nothing like that" you softly shake a hand in denial, which only confused the swordsman more.

"He is..." taking a breathe and moment to look at zoro in his awaiting eyes, you decide if you're gonna tell anyone, he's the one you'd tell. "Perfect. Well. What I mean is. I..."

ONE PIECE x Reader ;)🍋Where stories live. Discover now