Chapter Four: Drink

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After breakfast, Lady Dimitrescu had dismissed both you and her three daughters. She had errands of her own to carry out.

You were given permission to spend the day however you liked, as long as you did not leave the castle and were in Lady Dimitrescu's bed chamber by 8pm.

You wanted to speak to a familiar face, someone you could trust.

You make your way down flights of stairs, all the way to the the laundry room, where Sorina spent her days working.

You're just about to turn the corner into the room when you hear voices.

"No doubt she'll have already spread her legs for her..."

"Ana!" Came Sorina's voice. It was disapproving but you could hear a laugh accompanying it.

"What? It's true! She always picks the most useless maids because she knows they'll jump at the chance to lie on their back 24/7 rather than having to do any actual work."

Your chest feels tight and a cold, icy feeling envelopes your heart.

"It doesn't matter either way. Her whores never last long."

Tears welled in your eyes as you felt pierced by words from the person you thought had been your friend.  

You turn and leave, quickly, keeping your head down.

You're back in Lady Dimitrescu's chambers now. You realise you have nowhere else to be and certainly no one to talk to or confide in. You sit on the same chair as the lady had cradled you in last night.

You huddle, drawing your legs to your chest.

You just want this all to stop.

You try and stop the ringing of Sorina's words in your ear.

"Her whores never last long".


Then you get angry with yourself. Angry for thinking you had a friend in Sorina, angry that you ever felt that strange twinge of desire for Lady Dimitrescu who had now stripped you of your freedom and alienated you from the rest of the staff within the castle.

"She doesn't care about me, she wants to use me until she gets bored." You tell yourself aloud, hoping that by speaking the words to yourself like a stern parent you might actually have them sink in.

"She just wants to toy with you, drain you and humiliate you." You continue.

And you realise that it's the truth.

Minutes, or hours go by, you aren't sure. Your focus drifts between complicated thoughts and feelings you can barely make sense of, then back to nothingness. You gaze into the fireplace and let your mind wander as you watch the flames lick and spit against intricate brickwork and steel.

"Hello, pet."

The smoky, lavender voice snakes through the air of the room and wraps itself around you as you remain bundled in the chair. It takes you by surprise and you are suddenly dragged back to the present moment, and seeing her, that beautiful, womanly frame with keen hungry eyes staring down at you in a way that made you feel so small and yet so oddly excited.

You stomp the feeling down. You were not that person the maids wanted to spin wild salacious gossip about.

You get to your feet, hands clasped in front of you, head bowed as Lady Dimitrescu dips through the doorway, shutting the door behind her with a final thump.

"Hello, my lady." You reply.

Footsteps, and then the familiar soft, gentle touch of gloved hands, cupping your face, drawing your gaze to meet hers.

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