Chapter Nine: Run

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**AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just wanted to say that I am overwhelmed with how kind and supportive the folks reading this are! It genuinely does make me smile when I read your comments. Hope you are all having a great week and thank you for being so lovely!

Also sorry for the wait on this chapter. I work 4 jobs and they all have been getting a tad busy. Hopefully the fact it's a little bit longer than usual makes up for it!***

Not having enjoyed spirits in a very long time, your head felt fuzzy the next morning, but it was bearable.

You wondered if you had overslept.

You get up and make your way to the bathroom to ready yourself for the day. When you look in the mirror, you see yourself appearing a little worse for wear - groggy with a slight flush to your cheeks, but otherwise fine.

You make your way to the dining area, where you see Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters sitting around a bottle of wine, as was seemingly their morning habit.

Their chatter ceases when Alcina turns her attention to you, eyebrow raised as she drags from a cigarette.

"Glad you could join us, pet. Come, sit.'

She motioned to the spot beside her chair.

So, still no place at the table for you, apparently.

You can't say you're surprised.

You take your place, listening as you hear the pouring of something into a cup.

Oh god. Oh god, she wasn't going to make you drink -

She places a mug of freshly brewed coffee on the floor in front of you.

You could have cried with relief.

"Thank you, my lady." You manage.

She nods, then returns her attention back to the table as you begin to sip.

It's smoky and rich, coating your tongue in delicious dark notes. You savour it, gratefully, feeling your head clear a little.

You wonder if there would be any actual food going.

As though on cue, a side door opened and you tried not to react as you watched Sorina enter, with a plate in hand.

She looks at you interestedly as she places it in front of you.

You remember what Jenica suggested, about having her as an ally. You force a polite smile and thank her. She bows her head before turning and leaving.

You look down at the plate and see two slices of buttered toast topped with fluffy scrambled eggs.

Another relief. No meat.

You find your mouth actually watering at the sight of it.

You take a bite and shut your eyes. It's exactly what you needed this morning.

You continue to eat as the Dimitrescu's talk amongst themselves. You wonder if they're going to say anything about last night, but for the most part it stays pretty inane.

Until it doesn't.

"Daughters, tell me, have we met our wine quota for the month?" Alcina asks.

It sounds so innocent. Yet it sends a chill running down your spine.

"Yes, mother, almost." replied Bela tentatively.

"So you mean no." Alcina challenged, the air in the room becoming tense.

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