Chapter Fifteen: Remedy

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You cross the threshold back into the castle, your chest feeling tight, your heart fluttering frantically, like a caged bird beneath it.

The foyer greets you with warm glowing chandeliers and deep red furnishings, though it seems strangely empty. There is no sign of any servants or even the three daughters.

You are both alone, save for the sounds of the crackling fireplace and the winds howling outside.

You turn to Alcina, hopeful that she will offer to release you from your cuffs. She is fixing her hair and taking a long, tired sigh, after the emotional strain of the meeting.

"Come, pet. It's late, we should retire for the evening," she murmurs.

She turns to begin the ascent up the stairs, then pauses when she realises you haven't moved. She looks back to you, an eyebrow raised.

"The manacles, my lady?" you hint, looking down at them and then back to her.

"What about them?" she smirks.

You swallow thickly.

"You're not going to take them off? Now the meeting is over?" you manage, uncertain.

She smiles and shakes her head, softly.

"Tell me, do you think you deserve to have them taken off?" she challenges, stepping back towards you now, slowly, frame poised.

You startle a little, feeling adrenaline begin to work it's way through your veins as you find yourself beginning to tremble with the intensity of it.

"I did everything you asked of me, my lady," you answer, trying to sound measured.

She lets out a small chuckle at that before leaning down and cupping your face in her hands, bringing your gaze to hers.

"And yet," she smiles, "I still detected an... attitude from you. A resentment, maybe, which is not behaviour befitting a loyal pet. Wouldn't you agree?"

You want to protest, but her grip tightens. You still can't bring yourself to answer.

"It's okay, sweet thing. Just nod your head for me if you agree. Be honest."

You grit your teeth, realising the only way out is through, in this case. You manage a small nod.

"That's right. Because if I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it and with a good grace. I can't have my maiden acting like a spoiled brat, can I?" she chides, a flash of her teeth making you shudder.

You shake your head and cast your gaze down, wishing the ground could swallow you up.

"No, look at me," she reprimands.

You bring your eyes reluctantly back to hers.

"Better, thank you," she continues, "as I was saying - I can't have my maiden acting like a spoiled brat, because that would jeopardise our agreement. Is that what you want?"

You exhale, a feeling of resignation washing over you. You shake your head. She smiles at this.

"No, of course you don't want that. You don't want to end up in the dungeon with my daughters, who will bottle whatever is left of you by the time they're done, right?" she hisses softly, enjoying the shivers she sends over your skin.

You shake your head again, your eyes threatening to prick with tears, but you hold them back. She strokes your cheek, tracing up to your hair as she tucks it gently behind your ear.

"I don't want that either, sweet girl. That's why I said we would remedy this annoying little part of you that still doesn't quite understand how to be a good maiden yet. Do you understand? Will you let me discipline you?" she croons, her voice low in your ear.

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