Chapter 5

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Lucian POV

Staring at the nameplate for a moment, I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled, this is where I'm going to be for a while. The officers took off my cuffs and replaced them with shackles with chains attached to make it even heavier, the fuck am I gonna do? Run? I'm too exhausted for this shit I just want a nap. I took a deep breath and decided I was ready to go see how the fuck I was going to live for the next few years, considering the fact that they didn't let me change into my proper prison attire, guess they want my first impression to be a slut who just entered for prostitution. The guard opened the doors and we started walking down the hallway, there were so many inmates staring me down; that's when it started, all that shit-talking.

"Fresh meat boys, I call dibs on this virgin ass!", "Hey pretty boy, how long do you like your sandwich? Cause I got 8 inches right here waiting for you with your name on it!", "Come spend the night with me, I'll show you the way to heaven!", "I'm going to make you my new bitch pretty boy!", every cell I passed sent me a stare-down with lust in their eyes, and sexual comments, desperate calls, along with a few inmates banging on their cell. I was the center of attention for a while; before I turned around the block I gave them a little show, I turned around and gave them a wink, and licking my lips. They all cheered due to the little gesture, I walked away with the guard swaying my hips side-to-side to fuck with them, what can I say I like being the center of attention; call me an attention seeker, I like it.

They stopped at the very end of the hallway, where an empty cell was; I guess that would be where I'm staying. It wasn't much but I could still survive in it, what did I expect, this was a prison after all. Too tired to think of anything, I set myself on the bottom bed and began to fall asleep, due to the exhaustion of the whole crisis at the police station, and nowhere, I still held a grudge on "The Beast" for not bailing me out too, what a fucking dick..I'd still smash though. With that last thought, I fell right asleep. Sleeping in peace, I was awakened by a loud buzzer, apparently, it was supper time; getting up from the bed I headed to the door which was automatically unlocked when the buzzer ranged.

I took a peek out of the cell, there was so much inmate exiting their cell and heading to the cafeteria. I wasn't so sure if I should go to the cafeteria; high chance I should go to avoid getting in trouble with the guards. I decided to head out. I went to the cafeteria entrance, and gazed around; my eyes spotted on the guard that brought me here so I headed up to him. "Excuse me, but when will I be able to change into a proper attire for this place, cause it seems I'm the only one here looking like a whore." I said to the guard. He started at me up and down before saying anything, "I forgot to give this to you, you can change into this, however you aren't able to enter the bathrooms at this moment. You gonna have to change out in the open or wait until we send everyone back in the cells, which is in an hour." He said as he handed me an orange attire to wear with a zipper.

I looked at him as if he was insane, he could have given this to me before we entered this hellhole. Oh, I knew what this was, he was being petty because I called him a ratass. Sensitive bitch. I looked at his name tag, "Soooo, Officer Ryan. You want me to undress in this crowd of animals or walk around looking like a whore?" I said staring at him in the eyes, "That is not what I intended. What you do does not concern me until you cause a disturbance, now off you go before the food runs out and you won't have anything to consume."

He said, clearly trying to shoo me the fuck away. Not wanting to cause any disturbance I walked off with my attire to the lunch line to grab my food, the chefs there were so nice. I got my tray of food and sat down at an empty table, feeling multiple eyes on me, I began to feel annoyed. Sure I liked being the center of attention but there are some times that I wanted to be left at peace. I got up and glared at the whole cafeteria "Take your eyes off of me unless you want me to gauge them out!" I said at the top of my lungs while taking a fork, and stabbing it into the food.

With that I finally sat down, being very annoyed due to the clothing I had on from the club performance. "Well aren't you a feisty one, after giving the whole prison ward here a showing on your first time entering you didn't expect to get any stares?" A guy said to me, he was roughly around 6'4, toned as fuck, muscles all over, his biceps were so big, ocean blue eyes and a strong cheekbone. What is a fine ass man doing here in this prison ward? "And what does this have to do with you? Aren't you nosy, getting all up in my business." I shot right back at him. He let out a deep laugh "You sure got a big mouth.

I'm Dante, people around here call me Mr. D or King. Cut to the point, I run this fucking prison, you live off my rules here." He said sternly while looking down at me due to the height differences. "What makes you think I would follow your fucking rules around here your majesty, you can kiss my ass!" I said with a sly smile plastered around my face. The prison suddenly went silent, with a little gasp or two. Well, shit did I fuck up? Is this man really the person that runs this place?? If so I'm fucked. I dug my own grave. He got closer and towered over my small self. "So...."

On The Doctor's Note. (BXBXB) PolyWhere stories live. Discover now