Misunderstandings and Worry

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Trevor and Jimmy attempted to look for Michael in all sorts of places; the living room, the backyard, his room, but he was no where to be seen. They felt like they were about to go insane right on the spot.

"I'm going to try call my dad. Okay, uncle T?", Jimmy said rapidly, pulling out his phone and spamming the "call" button.

"That's a good idea.", replied Trevor, wiping his tears with his white, fluffy jacket that was around his waist. They waited for Michael's response, and nothing happened. He didn't answer the call. This made them panic. 

"Mikey...". Trevor tried to speak but he was speechless. He continued, "Where are you...?", he then crashed into tears and Jimmy tried to comfort Trevor.

"I'm as worried as you are...", sobbed Jimmy, patting his back. Trevor thought his life was over; he cannot loose Michael, since he was more than a friend to him. While his tears were falling down his soft face, he mopped around Michael's house, waiting for him to come back. 

"Heyy - uhh -Jimmy, how are you not caring that much about your own father? Isn't there a chance of him being kidnapped?", asked Trevor, in confusion, thinking that Jimmy doesn't care.

"What? Who said I wasn't worried?", Jimmy muttered miserably.

 All of a sudden, they could hear the enterance door creak open loudly and slowly. It was Michael!

"Hey, were you two worried?", Michael requested, having a little smirk on his face.

"OF COURSE I WAS WORRIED Y-YOU... B*TCH!", Trevor shrieked, getting closer to Michael angrily. Trevor was furious and devistated, but relieved at the same time: tears rolling down his face; cheeks as red as a tomato; hands shaking. Michael was actually suprised that Trevor cared about him: he thought nobody did. He felt bed for Trevor, since it was only a prank. Michael sighed and murmured, 

"I'm sorry, T." He desperately hugged him and sobbed with him. Puddles of tears were stained onto their shirts.

"I was worried about you! You see, you're my dad and I didn't want to loose you. I know you smashed my TV but you still mean a lot to me!", Jimmy explained with his head low.

Jimmy walked back up the scarlet, square shaped stairs excitedly to conversate with his online friends for the rest of the night, and forgot about the situation quickly. It seemed like he was only pretending to care in the first place, even though he looked miserable. Trevor and Michael stopped hugging and accidently looked into each other's eyes while backing away.

"Sorry.", they both spoke, a little embarrassed about what just happened. Michael tried to laugh it off and it only made Trevor's face turn redder. While Trevor was daydreaming about what just happened, Michael tapped Trevor's shoulder gently. 

"I think it's time for you to go home now, T. You probably need some time alone.", Michael said, pushing Trevor carefully outside.

"What?", and  then the door slammed shut infront of his face.

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